All bow down in humble respect to those
whose minds are filled with the Formless Lord.
Show mercy unto me, O my Divine Lord and Master.
May Nanak be saved, by serving these humble beings. ||4||2||
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:
Singing His Glorious Praises, the mind is in ecstasy.
Twenty-four hours a day, I meditate in remembrance on God.
Remembering Him in meditation, the sins go away.
I fall at the Feet of that Guru. ||1||
O beloved Saints, please bless me with wisdom;
let me meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and be emancipated. ||1||Pause||
The Guru has shown me the straight path;
I have abandoned everything else. I am enraptured with the Name of the Lord.
I am forever a sacrifice to that Guru;
I meditate in remembrance on the Lord, through the Guru. ||2||
The Guru carries those mortal beings across, and saves them from drowning.
By His Grace, they are not enticed by Maya;
in this world and the next, they are embellished and exalted by the Guru.
I am forever a sacrifice to that Guru. ||3||
From the most ignorant, I have been made spiritually wise,
through the Unspoken Speech of the Perfect Guru.
The Divine Guru, O Nanak, is the Supreme Lord God.
By great good fortune, I serve the Lord. ||4||3||
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:
Eradicating all my pains, He has blessed me with peace, and inspired me to chant His Name.
In His Mercy, He has enjoined me to His service, and has purged me of all my sins. ||1||
I am only a child; I seek the Sanctuary of God the Merciful.
Erasing my demerits and faults, God has made me His Own. My Guru, the Lord of the World, protects me. ||1||Pause||
My sicknesses and sins were erased in an instant, when the Lord of the World became merciful.
With each and very breath, I worship and adore the Supreme Lord God; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||2||
My Lord and Master is Inaccessible, Unfathomable and Infinite. His limits cannot be found.
We earn the profit, and become wealthy, meditating on our God. ||3||