You established the four ages; You are the Creator of all worlds.
You created the comings and goings of reincarnation; not even a particle of filth sticks to You.
As you are merciful, You attach us to the Feet of the True Guru.
You cannot be found by any other efforts; You are the eternal, imperishable Creator of the Universe. ||2||
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:
If You come into my courtyard, all the earth becomes beautiful.
Other than the One Lord, my Husband, no one else cares for me. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
All my adornments become beautiful, when You, O Lord, sit in my courtyard and make it Yours.
Then no traveller who comes to my home shall leave empty-handed. ||2||
Fifth Mehl:
I have spread out my bed for You, O my Husband Lord, and applied all my decorations.
But even this is not pleasing to me, to wear a garland around my neck. ||3||
O Supreme Lord God, O Transcendent Lord, You do not take birth.
By the Hukam of Your Command, You formed the Universe; forming it, You merge into it.
Your Form cannot be known; how can one meditate on You?
You are pervading and permeating all; You Yourself reveal Your creative potency.
Your treasures of devotional worship are overflowing; they never decrease.
These gems, jewels and diamonds - their value cannot be estimated.
As You Yourself become merciful, Lord, You link us to the service of the True Guru.
One who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, never suffers any deficiency. ||3||
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:
When I look within my being, I find that my Beloved is with me.
All pains are relieved, O Nanak, when He bestows His Glance of Grace. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
Nanak sits, waiting for news of the Lord, and stands at the Lord's Door; serving Him for so long.
O my Beloved, only You know my objective; I stand, waiting to see the Lord's face. ||2||
Fifth Mehl:
What should I say to you, you fool? Don't look at the vines of others - be a true husband.
O Nanak, the entire world is blooming, like a garden of flowers. ||3||
You are Wise, all-knowing and beautiful; You are pervading and permeating all.
You Yourself are the Lord and Master, and the servant; You worship and adore Yourself.
You are all-wise and all-seeing; You Yourself are true and pure.
The Immaculate Lord, my Lord God, is celibate and True.
God spreads out the expanse of the entire universe, and He Himself plays in it.
He created this coming and going of reincarnation; creating the wondrous play, He gazes upon it.
One who is blessed with the Guru's Teachings, is not consigned to the womb of reincarnation, ever again.
All walk as He makes them walk; nothing is under the control of the created beings. ||4||
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:
You are walking along the river-bank, but the land is giving way beneath you.
Watch out! Your foot might slip, and you'll fall in and die. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
You believe what is false and temporary to be true, and so you run on and on.
O Nanak, like butter in the fire, it shall melt away; it shall fade away like the water-lily. ||2||
Fifth Mehl:
O my foolish and silly soul, why are you too lazy to serve?
Such a long time has passed. When will this opportunity come again? ||3||