You do not see them, you blind and ignorant fool; intoxicated with ego, you just keep sleeping. ||3||
The net has been spread out, and the bait has been scattered; like a bird, you are being trapped.
Says Nanak, my bonds have been broken; I meditate on the True Guru, the Primal Being. ||4||2||88||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is infinite and priceless.
It is the Beloved of my breath of life, and the Support of my mind; I remember it, as the betel leaf chewer remembers the betel leaf. ||1||Pause||
I have been absorbed in celestial bliss, following the Guru's Teachings; my body-garment is imbued with the Lord's Love.
I come face to face with my Beloved, by great good fortune; my Husband Lord never wavers. ||1||
I do not need any image, or incense, or perfume, or lamps; through and through, He is blossoming forth, with me, life and limb.
Says Nanak, my Husband Lord has ravished and enjoyed His soul-bride; my bed has become very beautiful and sublime. ||2||3||89||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
Chanting the Name of the Lord of the Universe, Gobind, Gobind, Gobind, we become like Him.
Since I met the compassionate, Holy Saints, my evil-mindedness has been driven far away. ||1||Pause||
The Perfect Lord is perfectly pervading everywhere. He is cool and calm, peaceful and compassionate.
Sexual desire, anger and egotistical desires have all been eliminated from my body. ||1||
Truth, contentment, compassion, Dharmic faith and purity - I have received these from the Teachings of the Saints.
Says Nanak, one who realizes this in his mind, achieves total understanding. ||2||4||90||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
What am I? Just a poor living being. I cannot even describe one of Your hairs, O Lord.
Even Brahma, Shiva, the Siddhas and the silent sages do not know Your State, O Infinite Lord and Master. ||1||
What can I say? I cannot say anything.
Wherever I look, I see the Lord pervading. ||1||Pause||
And there, where the most terrible tortures are heard to be inflicted by the Messenger of Death, You are my only help and support, O my God.
I have sought His Sanctuary, and grasped hold of the Lord's Lotus Feet; God has helped Guru Nanak to understand this understanding. ||2||5||91||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
O Inaccessible, Beautiful, Imperishable Creator Lord, Purifier of sinners, let me meditate on You, even for an instant.
O Wondrous Lord, I have heard that You are found by meeting the Saints, and focusing the mind on their feet, their holy feet. ||1||
In what way, and by what discipline, is He obtained?
Tell me, O good man, by what means can we meditate on Him? ||1||Pause||
If one human being serves another human being, the one served stands by him.
Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary and Protection, O Lord, ocean of peace; He takes the Support of Your Name alone. ||2||6||92||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
I seek the Sanctuary of the Saints, and I serve the Saints.
I am rid of all worldly concerns, bonds, entanglements and other affairs. ||1||Pause||
I have obtained peace, poise and great bliss from the Guru, through the Lord's Name.