Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Third House, Ashtpadheeyaa:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Wandering and roaming through 8.4 million incarnations, you have now been given this human life, so difficult to obtain. ||1||
You fool! You are attached and clinging to such trivial pleasures!
The Ambrosial Nectar abides with you, but you are engrossed in sin and corruption. ||1||Pause||
You have come to trade in gems and jewels, but you have loaded only barren soil. ||2||
That home within which you live - you have not kept that home in your thoughts. ||3||
He is immovable, indestructible, the Giver of peace to the soul; and yet you do not sing His Praises, even for an instant. ||4||
You have forgotten that place where you must go; you have not attached your mind to the Lord, even for an instant. ||5||
Gazing upon your children, spouse, household and paraphernalia, you are entangled in them. ||6||
As God links the mortals, so are they linked, and so are the deeds they do. ||7||
When He becomes Merciful, then the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is found; servant Nanak meditates on God. ||8||1||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
Granting His Grace, He has protected me; I have found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
My tongue lovingly chants the Lord's Name; this love is so sweet and intense! ||1||
He is the place of rest for my mind,
my friend, companion, associate and relative; He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||1||Pause||
He created the world-ocean; I seek the Sanctuary of that God.
By Guru's Grace, I worship and adore God; the Messenger of Death can't say anything to me. ||2||
Emancipation and liberation are at His Door; He is the treasure in the hearts of the Saints.
The all-knowing Lord and Master shows us the true way of life; He is our Savior and Protector forever. ||3||
Pain, suffering and troubles are eradicated, when the Lord abides in the mind.
Death, hell and the most horrible dwelling of sin and corruption cannot even touch such a person. ||4||
Wealth, miraculous spiritual powers and the nine treasures come from the Lord, as do the streams of Ambrosial Nectar.
In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, He is perfect, lofty, unapproachable and unfathomable. ||5||
The Siddhas, seekers, angelic beings, silent sages, and the Vedas speak of Him.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord and Master, celestial peace is enjoyed; He has no end or limitation. ||6||
Countless sins are erased in an instant, meditating on the Benevolent Lord within the heart.
Such a person becomes the purest of the pure, and is blessed with the merits of millions of donations to charity and cleansing baths. ||7||
God is power, intellect, understanding, the breath of life, wealth, and everything for the Saints.
May I never forget Him from my mind, even for an instant - this is Nanak's prayer. ||8||2||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
The sharp tool cuts down the tree, but it does not feel anger in its mind.
It serves the purpose of the cutter, and does not blame him at all. ||1||
O my mind, continually, continuously, meditate on the Lord.
The Lord of the Universe is merciful, divine and compassionate. Listen - this is the way of the Saints. ||1||Pause||