By Your Grace, we love You.
When You show Mercy, then You come into our minds.
When the Support of the earth granted His Grace,
then I was released from my bonds. ||7||
I have seen all places with my eyes wide open.
There is no other than Him.
Doubt and fear are dispelled, by Guru's Grace.
Nanak sees the wondrous Lord everywhere. ||8||4||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:
All beings and creatures that are seen, God, depend on Your Support. ||1||
This mind is saved through the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes, by His Creative Power. All is the Creation of the Creator. ||2||
Sexual desire, anger, greed, falsehood and slander are banished in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||3||
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind becomes immaculate, and life is passed in absolute peace. ||4||
That mortal who enters the Sanctuary of the devotees, does not lose out, here or hereafter. ||5||
Pleasure and pain, and the condition of this mind, I place before You, Lord. ||6||
You are the Giver of all beings; You cherish what You have made. ||7||
So many millions of times, Nanak is a sacrifice to Your humble servants. ||8||5||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Receiving the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, all sins are erased, and He unites me with the Lord. ||1||
My Guru is the Transcendent Lord, the Giver of peace.
He implants the Naam, the Name of the Supreme Lord God within us; in the end, He is our help and support. ||1||Pause||
The source of all pain within is destroyed; I apply the dust of the feet of the Saints to my forehead. ||2||
In an instant, He purifies the sinners, and dispels the darkness of ignorance. ||3||
The Lord is all-powerful, the Cause of causes. Nanak seeks His Sanctuary. ||4||
Shattering the bonds, the Guru implants the Lord's lotus feet within, and lovingly attunes us to the One Word of the Shabad. ||5||
He has lifted me up, and pulled me out of the deep, dark pit of sin; I am attuned to the True Shabad. ||6||
The fear of birth and death is taken away; I shall never wander again. ||7||
This mind is imbued with the sublime elixir of the Naam; drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, it is satisfied. ||8||
Joining the Society of the Saints, I sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises; I dwell in the eternal, unchanging place. ||9||
The Perfect Guru has given me the perfect teachings; there is nothing except the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny. ||10||
I have obtained the treasure of the Naam, by great good fortune; O Nanak, I shall not fall into hell. ||11||
Clever tricks have not worked for me; I shall act according to the Instructions of the Perfect Guru. ||12||
He is chanting, intense meditation, austere self-discipline and purification. He Himself acts, and causes us to act. ||13||
In the midst of children and spouse, and utter corruption, the True Guru has carried me across. ||14||