The clouds are heavy, hanging low, and the rain is pouring down on all sides; the rain-drop is received, with natural ease.
From water, everything is produced; without water, thirst is not quenched.
O Nanak, whoever drinks in the Water of the Lord, shall never feel hunger again. ||55||
O rainbird, speak the Shabad, the True Word of God, with natural peace and poise.
Everything is with you; the True Guru will show you this.
So understand your own self, and meet your Beloved; His Grace shall rain down in torrents.
Drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar rains down softly and gently; thirst and hunger are completely gone.
Your cries and screams of anguish have ceased; your light shall merge into the Light.
O Nanak, the happy soul-brides sleep in peace; they are absorbed in the True Name. ||56||
The Primal Lord and Master has sent out the True Hukam of His Command.
Indra mercifully sends forth the rain, which falls in torrents.
The body and mind of the rainbird are happy. only when the rain-drop falls into its mouth.
The corn grows high, wealth increases, and the earth is embellished with beauty.
Night and day, people worship the Lord with devotion, and are absorbed in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
The True Lord Himself forgives them, and showering them with His Mercy, He leads them to walk in His Will.
O brides, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and be absorbed in the True Word of His Shabad.
Let the Fear of God be your decoration, and remain lovingly attuned to the True Lord.
O Nanak, the Naam abides in the mind, and the mortal is saved in the Court of the Lord. ||57||
The rainbird wanders all over the earth, soaring high through the skies.
But it obtains the drop of water, only when it meets the True Guru, and then, its hunger and thirst are relieved.
Soul and body and all belong to Him; everything is His.
He knows everything, without being told; unto whom should we offer our prayers?
O Nanak, the One Lord is prevading and permeating each and every heart; the Word of the Shabad brings illumination. ||58||
O Nanak, the season of spring comes to one who serves the True Guru.
The Lord rains His Mercy down upon him, and his mind and body totally blossom forth; the entire world becomes green and rejuvenated. ||59||
The Word of the Shabad brings eternal spring; it rejuvenates the mind and body.
O Nanak, do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, which has created everyone. ||60||
O Nanak, it is the spring season, for those Gurmukhs, within whose minds the Lord abides.
When the Lord showers His Mercy, the mind and body blossom forth, and all the world turns green and lush. ||61||
In the early hours of the morning, whose name should we chant?
Chant the Name of the Transcendent Lord, who is All-powerful to create and destroy. ||62||
The Persian wheel also cries out, "Too! Too! You! You!", with sweet and sublime sounds.
Our Lord and Master is always present; why do you cry out to Him in such a loud voice?
I am a sacrifice to that Lord who created the world, and who loves it.
Give up your selfishness, and then you shall meet your Husband Lord. Consider this Truth.
Speaking in shallow egotism, no one understands the Ways of God.
The forests and fields, and all the three worlds meditate on You, O Lord; this is the way they pass their days and nights forever.
Without the True Guru, no one finds the Lord. People have grown weary of thinking about it.