The mind, deluded by doubt, buzzes around like a bumble bee.
The holes of the body are worthless, if the mind is filled with such great desire for corrupt passions.
It is like the elephant, trapped by its own sexual desire.
It is caught and held tight by the chains, and beaten on its head. ||2||
The mind is like a foolish frog, without devotional worship.
It is cursed and condemned in the Court of the Lord, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
He has no class or honor, and no one even mentions his name.
That person who lacks virtue - all of his pains and sorrows are his only companions. ||3||
His mind wanders out, and cannot be brought back or restrained.
Without being imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord, it has no honor or credit.
You Yourself are the Listener, Lord, and You Yourself are our Protector.
You are the Support of the earth; You Yourself behold and understand it. ||4||
When You Yourself make me wander, unto whom can I complain?
Meeting the Guru, I will tell Him of my pain, O my mother.
Abandoning my worthless demerits, now I practice virtue.
Imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I am absorbed in the True Lord. ||5||
Meeting with the True Guru, the intellect is elevated and exalted.
The mind becomes immaculate, and egotism is washed away.
He is liberated forever, and no one can put him in bondage.
He chants the Naam forever, and nothing else. ||6||
The mind comes and goes according to the Will of the Lord.
The One Lord is contained amongst all; nothing else can be said.
The Hukam of His Command pervades everywhere, and all merge in His Command.
Pain and pleasure all come by His Will. ||7||
You are infallible; You never make mistakes.
Those who listen to the Word of the Guru's Shabad - their intellects become deep and profound.
You, O my Great Lord and Master, are contained in the Shabad.
O Nanak, my mind is pleased, praising the True Lord. ||8||2||
Basant, First Mehl:
That person, who thirsts for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan,
is absorbed in the One Lord, leaving duality behind.
His pains are taken away, as he churns and drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar.
The Gurmukh understands, and merges in the One Lord. ||1||
So many cry out for Your Darshan, Lord.
How rare are those who realize the Word of the Guru's Shabad and merge with Him. ||1||Pause||
The Vedas say that we should chant the Name of the One Lord.
He is endless; who can find His limits?
There is only One Creator, who created the world.
Without any pillars, He supports the earth and the sky. ||2||
Spiritual wisdom and meditation are contained in the melody of the Bani, the Word of the One Lord.
The One Lord is Untouched and Unstained; His story is unspoken.
The Shabad, the Word, is the Insignia of the One True Lord.
Through the Perfect Guru, the Knowing Lord is known. ||3||
There is only one religion of Dharma; let everyone grasp this truth.
Through the Guru's Teachings, one becomes perfect, all the ages through.
Imbued with the Unmanifest Celestial Lord, and lovingly absorbed in the One,
the Gurmukh attains the invisible and infinite. ||4||
There is one celestial throne, and One Supreme King.
The Independent Lord God is pervading all places.
The three worlds are the creation of that Sublime Lord.
The One Creator of the Creation is Unfathomable and Incomprehensible. ||5||
His Form is One, and True is His Name.
True justice is administered there.
Those who practice Truth are honored and accepted.
They are honored in the Court of the True Lord. ||6||
Devotional worship of the One Lord is the expression of love for the One Lord.
Without the Fear of God and devotional worship of Him, the mortal comes and goes in reincarnation.
One who obtains this understanding from the Guru dwells like an honored guest in this world.