He Himself created the entire universe, and He Himself is pervading it.
The Gurmukhs praise the Lord forever, and through the Truth, they assess Him.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the heart-lotus blossoms forth, and in this way, one drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord.
Coming and going in reincarnation ceases, and one sleeps in peace and poise. ||7||
Salok, First Mehl:
Neither dirty, nor dull, nor saffron, nor any color that fades.
O Nanak, crimson - deep crimson is the color of one who is imbued with the True Lord. ||1||
Third Mehl:
The bumble bee intuitively and fearlessly dwells among the vegetation, flowers and fruits.
O Nanak, there is only one tree, one flower, and one bumble bee. ||2||
Those humble beings who struggle with their minds are brave and distinguished heroes.
Those who realize their own selves, remain forever united with the Lord.
This is the glory of the spiritual teachers, that they remain absorbed in their mind.
They attain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and focus their meditation on the True Lord.
Those who conquer their own minds, by Guru's Grace, conquer the world. ||8||
Salok, Third Mehl:
If I were to become a Yogi, and wander around the world, begging from door to door,
then, when I am summoned to the Court of the Lord, what answer could I give?
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the charity I beg for; contentment is my temple. The True Lord is always with me.
Nothing is obtained by wearing religious robes; all will be seized by the Messenger of Death.
O Nanak, talk is false; contemplate the True Name. ||1||
Third Mehl:
Through that door, you will be called to account; do not serve at that door.
Seek and find such a True Guru, who has no equal in His greatness.
In His Sanctuary, one is released, and no one calls him to account.
Truth is implanted within Him, and He implants Truth within others. He bestows the blessing of the True Shabad.
One who has Truth within his heart - his body and mind are also true.
O Nanak, if one submits to the Hukam, the Command of the True Lord God, he is blessed with true glory and greatness.
He is immersed and merged in the True Lord, who blesses him with His Glance of Grace. ||2||
They are not called heroes, who die of egotism, suffering in pain.
The blind ones do not realize their own selves; in the love of duality, they rot.
They struggle with great anger; here and hereafter, they suffer in pain.
The Dear Lord is not pleased by egotism; the Vedas proclaim this clearly.
Those who die of egotism, shall not find salvation. They die, and are reborn in reincarnation. ||9||
Salok, Third Mehl:
The crow does not become white, and an iron boat does not float across.
One who puts his faith in the treasure of his Beloved Lord is blessed; he exalts and embellishes others as well.
One who realizes the Hukam of God's Command - his face is radiant and bright; he floats across, like iron upon wood.
Forsake thirst and desire, and abide in the Fear of God; O Nanak, these are the most excellent actions. ||1||
Third Mehl:
The ignorant people who go to the desert to conquer their minds, are not able to conquer them.
O Nanak, if this mind is to be conquered, one must contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
This mind is not conquered by conquering it, even though everyone longs to do so.
O Nanak, the mind itself conquers the mind, if one meets with the True Guru. ||2||