The True Lord Himself unites us in the Word of His Shabad.
Within the Shabad, doubt is driven out.
O Nanak, He blesses us with His Naam, and throgh the Naam, peace is found. ||16||8||22||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
He is inaccessible, unfathomable and self-sustaining.
He Himself is merciful, inaccessible and unlimited.
No one can reach up to Him; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is met. ||1||
He alone serves You, who pleases You.
Through the Guru's Shabad, he merges in the True Lord.
Night and day, he chants the Lord's Praises, day and night; his tongue savors and delights in the sublime essence of the Lord. ||2||
Those who die in the Shabad - their death is exalted and glorified.
They enshrine the Lord's Glories in their hearts.
Holding tight to the Guru's feet, their lives becomes prosperous, and they are rid of the love of duality. ||3||
The Dear Lord unites them in Union with Himself.
Through the Guru's Shabad, self-conceit is dispelled.
Those who remain attuned to devotional worship to the Lord, night and day, earn the profit in this world. ||4||
What Glorious Virtues of Yours should I describe? I cannot describe them.
You have no end or limitation. Your value cannot be estimated.
When the Giver of peace Himself bestows His Mercy, the virtuous are absorbed in virtue. ||5||
In this world, emotional attachment is spread all over.
The ignorant, self-willed manmukh is immersed in utter darkness.
Chasing after worldly affairs, he wastes away his life in vain; without the Name, he suffers in pain. ||6||
If God grants His Grace, then one finds the True Guru.
Through the Shabad, the filth of egotism is burned away.
The mind becomes immaculate, and the jewel of spiritual wisdom brings enlightenment; the darkness of spiritual ignorance is dispelled. ||7||
Your Names are countless; Your value cannot be estimated.
I enshrine the Lord's True Name within my heart.
Who can estimate Your value, God? You are immersed and absorbed in Yourself. ||8||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is priceless, inaccessible and infinite.
No one can weigh it.
You Yourself weigh, and estimate all; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, You unite, when the weight is perfect. ||9||
Your servant serves, and offers this prayer.
Please, let me sit near You, and unite me with Yourself.
You are the Giver of peace to all beings; by perfect karma, we meditate on You. ||10||
Chastity, truth and self-control come by practicing and living the Truth.
This mind becomes immaculate and pure, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
In this world of poison, the Ambrosial Nectar is obtained, if it pleases my Dear Lord. ||11||
He alone understands, whom God inspires to understand.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, one's inner being is awakened.
Egotism and possessiveness are silenced and subdued, and one intuitively finds the True Lord. ||12||
Without good karma, countless others wander around.
They die, and die again, only to be reborn; they cannot escape the cycle of reincarnation.
Imbued with poison, they practice poison and corruption, and they never find peace. ||13||
Many disguise themselves with religious robes.
Without the Shabad, no one has conquered egotism.
One who remains dead while yet alive is liberated, and merges in the True Name. ||14||
Spiritual ignorance and desire burn this human body.