The nether worlds, realms and worlds of form.
By the Hukam of Your Command, You create, and by Your Command, You destroy. By Your Command, You unite in Union. ||5||
One who realizes Your Command, praises Your Command.
You are Inaccessible, Unfathomable and Self-Sufficient.
As is the understanding You give, so do I become. You Yourself reveal the Shabad. ||6||
Night and day, the days of our lives wear away.
Night and day both bear witness to this loss.
The blind, foolish, self-willed manmukh is not aware of this; death is hovering over his head. ||7||
The mind and body are cooled and soothed, holding tight to the Guru's Feet.
Doubt is eliminated from within, and fear runs away.
One is in bliss forever, singing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord, and speaking the True Word of His Bani. ||8||
One who knows You as the Architect of Karma,
has the good fortune of perfect destiny, and recognizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
The Lord, the Truest of the True, is his social class and honor. Conquering his ego, he is united with the Lord. ||9||
The stubborn and insensitive mind is attached to the love of duality.
Deluded by doubt, the unfortunate wander around in confusion.
But if they are blessed by God's Grace, they serve the True Guru, and easily obtain peace. ||10||
He Himself created the 8.4 million species of beings.
Only in this human life, is devotional worship to the Guru implanted within.
Without devotion, one lives in manure; he falls into manure again and again. ||11||
If one is blessed with His Grace, devotional worship to the Guru is implanted within.
Without God's Grace, how can anyone find Him?
The Creator Himself acts, and inspires all to act; as He wills, he leads us on. ||12||
The Simritees and the Shaastras do not know His limits.
The blind fool does not recognize the essence of reality.
The Creator Himself acts, and inspires all to act; He Himself deludes with doubt. ||13||
He Himself causes everything to be done.
He Himself joins each and every person to his tasks.
He Himself establishes and disestablishes, and watches over all; He reveals Himself to the Gurmukh. ||14||
The True Lord and Master is profoundly deep and unfathomable.
Praising Him forever, the mind is comforted and consoled.
He is inaccessible and unfathomable; His value cannot be estimated. He dwells in the mind of the Gurmukh. ||15||
He Himself is detached; all others are entangled in their affairs.
By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand Him.
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to dwell deep within the heart; through the Guru's Teachings, one is united in His Union. ||16||3||17||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
For thirty-six ages, utter darkness prevailed.
Only You Yourself know this, O Creator Lord.
What can anyone else say? What can anyone explain? Only You Yourself can estimate Your worth. ||1||
The One Universal Creator created the entire Universe.
All the plays and dramas are to Your glory and greatness.
The True Lord Himself makes all distinctions; He Himself breaks and builds. ||2||
The Juggler has staged His juggling show.
Through the Perfect Guru, one comes to behold it.
One who remains forever detached in the Word of the Guru's Shabad - his consciousness is attuned to the True Lord. ||3||
The musical instruments of the body vibrate and resound.
The Player Himself plays them.
The breath flows equally through the hearts of each and every being. Receiving the breath, all the instruments sing. ||4||