Day by day, hour by hour, life runs its course, and the body withers away.
Death, like a hunter, a butcher, is on the prowl; tell me, what can we do? ||1||
That day is rapidly approaching.
Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse - tell me, who belongs to whom? ||1||Pause||
As long as the light remains in the body, the beast does not understand himself.
He acts in greed to maintain his life and status, and sees nothing with his eyes. ||2||
Says Kabeer, listen, O mortal: Renounce the doubts of your mind.
Chant only the One Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortal, and seek the Sanctuary of the One Lord. ||3||2||
That humble being, who knows even a little about loving devotional worship - what surprises are there for him?
Like water, dripping into water, which cannot be separated out again, so is the weaver Kabeer, with softened heart, merged into the Lord. ||1||
O people of the Lord, I am just a simple-minded fool.
If Kabeer were to leave his body at Benares, and so liberate himself, what obligation would he have to the Lord? ||1||Pause||
Says Kabeer, listen, O people - do not be deluded by doubt.
What is the difference between Benares and the barren land of Maghar, if the Lord is within one's heart? ||2||3||
Mortals may go to the Realm of Indra, or the Realm of Shiva,
but because of their hypocrisy and false prayers, they must leave again. ||1||
What should I ask for? Nothing lasts forever.
Enshrine the Lord's Name within your mind. ||1||Pause||
Fame and glory, power, wealth and glorious greatness
- none of these will go with you or help you in the end. ||2||
Children, spouse, wealth and Maya
- who has ever obtained peace from these? ||3||
Says Kabeer, nothing else is of any use.
Within my mind is the wealth of the Lord's Name. ||4||4||
Remember the Lord, remember the Lord, remember the Lord in meditation, O Siblings of Destiny.
Without remembering the Lord's Name in meditation, a great many are drowned. ||1||Pause||
Your spouse, children, body, house and possessions - you think these will give you peace.
But none of these shall be yours, when the time of death comes. ||1||
Ajaamal, the elephant, and the prostitute committed many sins,
but still, they crossed over the world-ocean, by chanting the Lord's Name. ||2||
You have wandered in reincarnation, as pigs and dogs - did you feel no shame?
Forsaking the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, why do you eat poison? ||3||
Abandon your doubts about do's and dont's, and take to the Lord's Name.
By Guru's Grace, O servant Kabeer, love the Lord. ||4||5||
Dhanaasaree, The Word Of Devotee Naam Dayv Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
They dig deep foundations, and build lofty palaces.
Can anyone live longer than Markanda, who passed his days with only a handful of straw upon his head? ||1||
The Creator Lord is our only friend.
O man, why are you so proud? This body is only temporary - it shall pass away. ||1||Pause||