In egotism, one cannot remain awake and aware, and one's devotional worship of the Lord is not accepted.
The self-willed manmukhs find no place in the Court of the Lord; they do their deeds in the love of duality. ||4||
Cursed is the food, and cursed are the clothes, of those who are attached to the love of duality.
They are like maggots in manure, sinking into manure. In death and rebirth, they are wasted away to ruin. ||5||
I am a sacrifice to those who meet with the True Guru.
I shall continue to associate with them; devoted to Truth, I am absorbed in Truth. ||6||
By perfect destiny, the Guru is found. He cannot be found by any efforts.
Through the True Guru, intuitive wisdom wells up; through the Word of the Shabad, egotism is burnt away. ||7||
O my mind, hurry to the Sanctuary of the Lord; He is Potent to do everything.
O Nanak, never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Whatever He does, comes to pass. ||8||2||7||2||9||
Bibhaas, Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl, Ashtpadheeyaa:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse
involved with them, people eat the food of bliss.
The mind is entangled in sweet emotional attachment.
Those who seek God's Glorious Virtues are the support of my breath of life. ||1||
My One Lord is the Inner-Knower, the Searcher of hearts.
He alone is my Support; He is my only Protection. My Great Lord and Master is over and above the heads of kings. ||1||Pause||
I have broken my ties to that deceitful serpent.
The Guru has told me that it is false and fraudulent.
Its face is sweet, but it tastes very bitter.
My mind remains satisfied with the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||
I have broken my ties with greed and emotional attachment.
The Merciful Guru has rescued me from them.
These cheating thieves have plundered so many homes.
The Merciful Guru has protected and saved me. ||3||
I have no dealings whatsoever with sexual desire and anger.
I listen to the Guru's Teachings.
Wherever I look, I see the most horrible goblins.
My Guru, the Lord of the World, has saved me from them. ||4||
I have made widows of the ten sensory organs.
The Guru has told me that these pleasures are the fires of corruption.
Those who associate with them go to hell.
The Guru has saved me; I am lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||5||
I have forsaken the advice of my ego.
The Guru has told me that this is foolish stubbornness.
This ego is homeless; it shall never find a home.
The Guru has saved me; I am lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||6||
I have become alienated from these people.
We cannot both live together in one home.
Grasping the hem of the Guru's Robe, I have come to God.
Please be fair with me, All-knowing Lord God. ||7||
God smiled at me and spoke, passing judgement.
He made all the demons perform service for me.
You are my Lord and Master; all this home belongs to You.
Says Nanak, the Guru has passed judgement. ||8||1||
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl: