False are the eyes which gaze upon the beauty of another's wife.
False is the tongue which enjoys delicacies and external tastes.
False are the feet which run to do evil to others.
False is the mind which covets the wealth of others.
False is the body which does not do good to others.
False is the nose which inhales corruption.
Without understanding, everything is false.
Fruitful is the body, O Nanak, which takes to the Lord's Name. ||5||
The life of the faithless cynic is totally useless.
Without the Truth, how can anyone be pure?
Useless is the body of the spiritually blind, without the Name of the Lord.
From his mouth, a foul smell issues forth.
Without the remembrance of the Lord, day and night pass in vain,
like the crop which withers without rain.
Without meditation on the Lord of the Universe, all works are in vain,
like the wealth of a miser, which lies useless.
Blessed, blessed are those, whose hearts are filled with the Name of the Lord.
Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. ||6||
He says one thing, and does something else.
There is no love in his heart, and yet with his mouth he talks tall.
The Omniscient Lord God is the Knower of all.
He is not impressed by outward display.
One who does not practice what he preaches to others,
shall come and go in reincarnation, through birth and death.
One whose inner being is filled with the Formless Lord
by his teachings, the world is saved.
Those who are pleasing to You, God, know You.
Nanak falls at their feet. ||7||
Offer your prayers to the Supreme Lord God, who knows everything.
He Himself values His own creatures.
He Himself, by Himself, makes the decisions.
To some, He appears far away, while others perceive Him near at hand.
He is beyond all efforts and clever tricks.
He knows all the ways and means of the soul.
Those with whom He is pleased are attached to the hem of His robe.
He is pervading all places and interspaces.
Those upon whom He bestows His favor, become His servants.
Each and every moment, O Nanak, meditate on the Lord. ||8||5||
Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment - may these be gone, and egotism as well.
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God; please bless me with Your Grace, O Divine Guru. ||1||
By His Grace, you partake of the thirty-six delicacies;
enshrine that Lord and Master within your mind.
By His Grace, you apply scented oils to your body;
remembering Him, the supreme status is obtained.
By His Grace, you dwell in the palace of peace;
meditate forever on Him within your mind.
By His Grace, you abide with your family in peace;
keep His remembrance upon your tongue, twenty-four hours a day.
By His Grace, you enjoy tastes and pleasures;
O Nanak, meditate forever on the One, who is worthy of meditation. ||1||
By His Grace, you wear silks and satins;
why abandon Him, to attach yourself to another?
By His Grace, you sleep in a cozy bed;
O my mind, sing His Praises, twenty-four hours a day.
By His Grace, you are honored by everyone;