Prabhaatee, Third Mehl, Bibhaas:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
By Guru's Grace, see that the Temple of the Lord is within you.
The Temple of the Lord is found through the Word of the Shabad; contemplate the Lord's Name. ||1||
O my mind, be joyfully attuned to the Shabad.
True is devotional worship, and True is the Temple of the Lord; True is His Manifest Glory. ||1||Pause||
This body is the Temple of the Lord, in which the jewel of spiritual wisdom is revealed.
The self-willed manmukhs do not know anything at all; they do not believe that the Lord's Temple is within. ||2||
The Dear Lord created the Temple of the Lord; He adorns it by His Will.
All act according to their pre-ordained destiny; no one can erase it. ||3||
Contemplating the Shabad, peace is obtained, loving the True Name.
The Temple of the Lord is embellished with the Shabad; it is an Infinite Fortress of God. ||4||
This world is the Temple of the Lord; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness.
The blind and foolish self-willed manmukhs worship in the love of duality. ||5||
One's body and social status do not go along to that place, where all are called to account.
Those who are attuned to Truth are saved; those in the love of duality are miserable. ||6||
The treasure of the Naam is within the Temple of the Lord. The idiotic fools do not realize this.
By Guru's Grace, I have realized this. I keep the Lord enshrined within my heart. ||7||
Those who are attuned to the love of the Shabad know the Guru, through the Word of the Guru's Bani.
Sacred, pure and immaculate are those humble beings who are absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||8||
The Temple of the Lord is the Lord's Shop; He embellishes it with the Word of His Shabad.
In that shop is the merchandise of the One Name; the Gurmukhs adorn themselves with it. ||9||
The mind is like iron slag, within the Temple of the Lord; it is lured by the love of duality.
Meeting with the Guru, the Philosopher's Stone, the mind is transformed into gold. Its value cannot be described. ||10||
The Lord abides within the Temple of the Lord. He is pervading in all.
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs trade in the merchandise of Truth. ||11||1||
Prabhaatee, Third Mehl:
Those who remain awake and aware in the Love and Fear of God, rid themselves of the filth and pollution of egotism.
They remain awake and aware forever, and protect their homes, by beating and driving out the five thieves. ||1||
O my mind, as Gurmukh, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
O mind, do only those deeds which will lead you to the Path of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
The celestial melody wells up in the Gurmukh, and the pains of egotism are taken away.
The Name of the Lord abides in the mind, as one intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||
Those who follow the Guru's Teachings - their faces are radiant and beautiful. They keep the Lord enshrined in their hearts.
Here and hereafter, they find absolute peace; chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, they are carried across to the other shore. ||3||