Blessed is the Lord of the World. Blessed is the Divine Guru.
Blessed is that grain, by which the heart-lotus of the hungry blossoms forth.
Blessed are those Saints, who know this.
Meeting with them, one meets the Lord, the Sustainer of the World. ||1||
This grain comes from the Primal Lord God.
One chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, only when he tastes this grain. ||1||Pause||
Meditate on the Naam, and meditate on this grain.
Mixed with water, its taste becomes sublime.
One who abstains from this grain,
loses his honor in the three worlds. ||2||
One who discards this grain, is practicing hypocrisy.
She is neither a happy soul-bride, nor a widow.
Those who claim in this world that they live on milk alone,
secretly eat whole loads of food. ||3||
Without this grain, time does not pass in peace.
Forsaking this grain, one does not meet the Lord of the World.
Says Kabeer, this I know:
blessed is that grain, which brings faith in the Lord and Master to the mind. ||4||8||11||
Raag Gond, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, First House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The ritual sacrifice of horses,
giving one's weight in gold to charities,
and ceremonial cleansing baths -||1||
These are not equal to singing the Praises of the Lord's Name.
Meditate on your Lord, you lazy man! ||1||Pause||
Offering sweet rice at Gaya,
living on the river banks at Benares,
reciting the four Vedas by heart;||2||
Completing all religious rituals,
restraining sexual passion by the spiritual wisdom given by the Guru,
and performing the six rituals;||3||
Expounding on Shiva and Shakti
O man, renounce and abandon all these things.
Meditate, meditate in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe.
Meditate, O Naam Dayv, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||4||1||
The deer is lured by the sound of the hunter's bell;
it loses its life, but it cannot stop thinking about it. ||1||
In the same way, I look upon my Lord.
I will not abandon my Lord, and turn my thoughts to another. ||1||Pause||
As the fisherman looks upon the fish,
and the goldsmith looks upon the gold he fashions;||2||
As the man driven by sex looks upon another man's wife,
and the gambler looks upon the throwing of the dice -||3||
In the same way, wherever Naam Dayv looks, he sees the Lord.
Naam Dayv meditates continuously on the Feet of the Lord. ||4||2||
Carry me across, O Lord, carry me across.
I am ignorant, and I do not know how to swim. O my Beloved Father, please give me Your arm. ||1||Pause||
I have been transformed from a mortal being into an angel, in an instant; the True Guru has taught me this.
Born of human flesh, I have conquered the heavens; such is the medicine I was given. ||1||
Please place me where You placed Dhroo and Naarad, O my Master.
With the Support of Your Name, so many have been saved; this is Naam Dayv's understanding. ||2||3||