Slave Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord, the Perfect, Divine Primal Being. ||2||5||8||
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:
My God is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of Hearts.
Take pity on me, O Perfect Transcendent Lord; bless me with the True Eternal Insignia of the Shabad, the Word of God. ||1||Pause||
O Lord, other than You, no one is all-powerful. You are the Hope and the Strength of my mind.
You are the Giver to the hearts of all beings, O Lord and Master. I eat and wear whatever You give me. ||1||
Intuitive understanding, wisdom and cleverness, glory and beauty, pleasure, wealth and honor,
all comforts, bliss, happiness and salvation, O Nanak, come by chanting the Lord's Name. ||2||6||9||
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:
The Sanctuary of the Lord's Feet bring salvation.
God's Name is the Purifier of sinners. ||1||Pause||
Whoever chants and meditates in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, shall undoubtedly escape being consumed by the Messenger of Death. ||1||
Liberation, the key to success, and all sorts of comforts do not equal loving devotional worship of the Lord.
Slave Nanak longs for the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan; he shall never again wander in reincarnation. ||2||||7||10||
Kalyaan, Fourth Mehl, Ashtpadheeyaa:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Hearing the Name of the Lord, the All-pervading Lord, my mind is drenched with joy.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is Ambrosial Nectar, the most Sweet and Sublime Essence; through the Guru's Teachings, drink it in with intuitive ease. ||1||Pause||
The potential energy of fire is within the wood; it is released if you know how to rub it and generate friction.
In just the same way, the Lord's Name is the Light within all; the Essence is extracted by following the Guru's Teachings. ||1||
There are nine doors, but the taste of these nine doors is bland and insipid. The Essence of Ambrosial Nectar trickles down through the Tenth Door.
Please take pity on me - be kind and compassionate, O my Beloved, that I may drink in the Sublime Essence of the Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||
The body-village is the most sublime and exalted village, in which the merchandise of the Lord's Sublime Essence is traded.
The most precious and priceless gems and jewels are obtained by serving the True Guru. ||3||
The True Guru is Inaccessible; Inaccessible is our Lord and Master. He is the overflowing Ocean of bliss - worship Him with loving devotion.
Please take pity on me, and be Merciful to this meek song-bird; please pour a drop of Your Name into my mouth. ||4||
O Beloved Lord, please color my mind with the Deep Crimson Color of Your Love; I have surrendered my mind to the Guru.
Those who are imbued with the Love of the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam, continually drink in this essence in big gulps, savoring its sweet taste. ||5||
If all the gold of the seven continents and the oceans was taken out and placed before them,
the humble servants of my Lord and Master would not even want it. They beg for the Lord to bless them with the Lord's Sublime Essence. ||6||
The faithless cynics and mortal beings remain hungry forever; they continually cry out in hunger.
They hurry and run, and wander all around, caught in the love of Maya; they cover hundreds of thousands of miles in their wanderings. ||7||
The humble servants of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, are sublime and exalted. What praise can we bestow upon them?