One whose heart is filled with the Name shall have no fear on the path of death.
He shall obtain salvation, and his intellect shall be enlightened; he will find his place in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
Neither wealth, nor household, nor youth, nor power shall go along with you.
In the Society of the Saints, meditate in remembrance on the Lord. This alone shall be of use to you.
There will be no burning at all, when He Himself takes away your fever.
O Nanak, the Lord Himself cherishes us; He is our Mother and Father. ||32||
They have grown weary, struggling in all sorts of ways; but they are not satisfied, and their thirst is not quenched.
Gathering in and hoarding what they can, the faithless cynics die, O Nanak, but the wealth of Maya does not go with them in the end. ||1||
T'HAT'HA: Nothing is permanent - why do you stretch out your feet?
You commit so many fraudulent and deceitful actions as you chase after Maya.
You work to fill up your bag, you fool, and then you fall down exhausted.
But this shall be of no use to you at all at that very last instant.
You shall find stability only by vibrating upon the Lord of the Universe, and accepting the Teachings of the Saints.
Embrace love for the One Lord forever - this is true love!
He is the Doer, the Cause of causes. All ways and means are in His Hands alone.
Whatever You attach me to, to that I am attached; O Nanak, I am just a helpless creature. ||33||
His slaves have gazed upon the One Lord, the Giver of everything.
They continue to contemplate Him with each and every breath; O Nanak, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is their Support. ||1||
DADDA: The One Lord is the Great Giver; He is the Giver to all.
There is no limit to His Giving. His countless warehouses are filled to overflowing.
The Great Giver is alive forever.
O foolish mind, why have you forgotten Him?
No one is at fault, my friend.
God created the bondage of emotional attachment to Maya.
He Himself removes the pains of the Gurmukh;
O Nanak, he is fulfilled. ||34||
O my soul, grasp the Support of the One Lord; give up your hopes in others.
O Nanak, meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, your affairs shall be resolved. ||1||
DHADHA: The mind's wanderings cease, when one comes to dwell in the Society of the Saints.
If the Lord is Merciful from the very beginning, then one's mind is enlightened.
Those who have the true wealth are the true bankers.
The Lord, Har, Har, is their wealth, and they trade in His Name.
Patience, glory and honor come to those
who listen to the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
That Gurmukh whose heart remains merged with the Lord,
O Nanak, obtains glorious greatness. ||35||
O Nanak, one who chants the Naam, and meditates on the Naam with love inwardly and outwardly,
receives the Teachings from the Perfect Guru; he joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and does not fall into hell. ||1||
NANNA: Those whose minds and bodies are filled with the Naam,
The Name of the Lord, shall not fall into hell.
Those Gurmukhs who chant the treasure of the Naam,
are not destroyed by the poison of Maya.
Those who have been given the Mantra of the Naam by the Guru,
Shall not be turned away.