The Lord is totally permeating and pervading everywhere; The Name of the Lord is pervading the water and the land. So sing continuously of the Lord, the Dispeller of pain. ||1||Pause||
The Lord has made my life fruitful and rewarding.
I meditate on the Lord, the Dispeller of pain.
I have met the Guru, the Giver of liberation.
The Lord has made my life's journey fruitful and rewarding.
Joining the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||
O mortal, place your hopes in the Name of the Lord,
and your love of duality shall simply vanish.
One who, in hope, remains unattached to hope,
such a humble being meets with his Lord.
And one who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name
- servant Nanak falls at his feet. ||2||1||7||4||6||7||17||
Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padhay, First House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
He is attached to what he sees.
How can I meet You, O Imperishable God?
Have Mercy upon me, and place me upon the Path;
let me be attached to the hem of the robe of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||
How can I cross over the poisonous world-ocean?
The True Guru is the boat to carry us across. ||1||Pause||
The wind of Maya blows and shakes us,
but the Lord's devotees remain ever-stable.
They remain unaffected by pleasure and pain.
The Guru Himself is the Savior above their heads. ||2||
Maya, the snake, holds all in her coils.
They burn to death in egotism, like the moth lured by seeing the flame.
They make all sorts of decorations, but they do not find the Lord.
When the Guru becomes Merciful, He leads them to meet the Lord. ||3||
I wander around, sad and depressed, seeking the jewel of the One Lord.
This priceless jewel is not obtained by any efforts.
That jewel is within the body, the Temple of the Lord.
The Guru has torn away the veil of illusion, and beholding the jewel, I am delighted. ||4||
One who has tasted it, comes to know its flavor;
he is like the mute, whose mind is filled with wonder.
I see the Lord, the source of bliss, everywhere.
Servant Nanak speaks the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and merges in Him. ||5||1||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
The Divine Guru has blessed me with total happiness.
He has linked His servant to His service.
No obstacles block my path, meditating on the incomprehensible, inscrutable Lord. ||1||
The soil has been sanctified, singing the Glories of His Praises.
The sins are eradicated, meditating on the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
He Himself is pervading everywhere;
from the very beginning, and throughout the ages, His Glory has been radiantly manifest.
By Guru's Grace, sorrow does not touch me. ||2||
The Guru's Feet seem so sweet to my mind.
He is unobstructed, dwelling everywhere.
I found total peace, when the Guru was pleased. ||3||
The Supreme Lord God has become my Savior.
Wherever I look, I see Him there with me.
O Nanak, the Lord and Master protects and cherishes His slaves. ||4||2||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
You are the treasure of peace, O my Beloved God.