By great good fortune, you shall meet with the Lord. ||1||
I have met the Guru, the Yogi, the Primal Being; I am delighted with His Love.
The Guru is imbued with the Love of the Lord; He dwells forever in Nirvaanaa.
By great good fortune, I met the most accomplished and all-knowing Lord.
My mind and body are drenched in the Love of the Lord. ||2||
Come, O Saints - let's meet together and chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
In the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, let's earn the lasting profit of the Naam.
Let's serve the Saints, and drink in the Ambrosial Nectar.
By one's karma and pre-ordained destiny, they are met. ||3||
In the month of Saawan, the clouds of Ambrosial Nectar hang over the world.
The peacock of the mind chirps, and receives the Word of the Shabad, in its mouth;
the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord rains down, and the Sovereign Lord King is met.
Servant Nanak is imbued with the Love of the Lord. ||4||1||27||65||
Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:
Come, O sisters - let's make virtue our charms.
Let's join the Saints, and enjoy the pleasure of the Lord's Love.
The lamp of the Guru's spiritual wisdom burns steadily in my mind.
The Lord, being pleased and moved by pity, has led me to meet Him. ||1||
My mind and body are filled with love for my Darling Lord.
The True Guru, the Divine Intermediary, has united me with my Friend.
I offer my mind to the Guru, who has led me to meet my God.
I am forever a sacrifice to the Lord. ||2||
Dwell, O my Beloved, dwell, O my Lord of the Universe; O Lord, show mercy to me and come to dwell within my mind.
I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe; I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru.
The happy soul-brides receive the Lord's Name, O my Lord of the Universe; night and day, their minds are blissful and happy.
By great good fortune, the Lord is found, O my Lord of the Universe; earning profit continually, the mind laughs with joy. ||3||
The Lord Himself creates, and the Lord Himself beholds; the Lord Himself assigns all to their tasks.
Some partake of the bounty of the Lord's favor, which never runs out, while others receive only a handful.
Some sit upon thrones as kings, and enjoy constant pleasures, while others must beg for charity.
The Word of the Shabad is pervading in everyone, O my Lord of the Universe; servant Nanak meditates on the Naam. ||4||2||28||66||
Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl:
From within my mind, from within my mind, O my Lord of the Universe, I am imbued with the Love of the Lord, from within my mind.
The Lord's Love is with me, but it cannot be seen, O my Lord of the Universe; the Perfect Guru has led me to see the unseen.
He has revealed the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my Lord of the Universe; all poverty and pain have departed.
I have obtained the supreme status of the Lord, O my Lord of the Universe; by great good fortune, I am absorbed in the Naam. ||1||
With his eyes, O my Beloved, with his eyes, O my Lord of the Universe - has anyone ever seen the Lord God with his eyes?
My mind and body are sad and depressed, O my Lord of the Universe; without her Husband Lord, the soul-bride is withering away.