O Nanak, killing his ego, he is satisfied; the meteor has shot across the sky. ||1||
The Gurmukhs remain awake and aware; their egotistical pride is eradicated.
Night and day, it is dawn for them; they merge in the True Lord.
The Gurmukhs are merged in the True Lord; they are pleasing to His Mind. The Gurmukhs are intact, safe and sound, awake and awake.
The Guru blesses them with the Ambrosial Nectar of the True Name; they are lovingly attuned to the Lord's Feet.
The Divine Light is revealed, and in that Light, they achieve realization; the self-willed manmukhs wander in doubt and confusion.
O Nanak, when the dawn breaks, their minds are satisfied; they pass their life-night awake and aware. ||2||
Forgetting faults and demerits, virtue and merit enter one's home.
The One Lord is permeating everywhere; there is no other at all.
He is All-pervading; there is no other. The mind comes to believe, from the mind.
The One who established the water, the land, the three worlds, each and every heart - that God is known by the Gurmukh.
The Infinite, All-powerful Lord is the Creator, the Cause of causes; erasing the three-phased Maya, we merge in Him.
O Nanak, then, demerits are dissolved by merits; such are the Guru's Teachings. ||3||
My coming and going in reincarnation have ended; doubt and hesitation are gone.
Conquering my ego, I have met the True Lord, and now I wear the robe of Truth.
The Guru has rid me of egotism; my sorrow and suffering are dispelled.
My might merges into the Light; I realize and understand my own self.
In this world of my parents' home, I am satisfied with the Shabad; at my in-laws' home, in the world beyond, I shall be pleasing to my Husband Lord.
O Nanak, the True Guru has united me in His Union; my dependence on people has ended. ||4||3||
Tukhaari, First Mehl:
Deluded by doubt, misled and confused, the soul-bride later regrets and repents.
Abandoning her Husband Lord, she sleeps, and does not appreciate His Worth.
Leaving her Husband Lord, she sleeps, and is plundered by her faults and demerits. The night is so painful for this bride.
Sexual desire, anger and egotism destroy her. She burns in egotism.
When the soul-swan flies away, by the Command of the Lord, her dust mingles with dust.
O Nanak, without the True Name, she is confused and deluded, and so she regrets and repents. ||1||
Please listen, O my Beloved Husband Lord, to my one prayer.
You dwell in the home of the self deep within, while I roll around like a dust-ball.
Without my Husband Lord, no one likes me at all; what can I say or do now?
The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the sweetest nectar of nectars. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, with my tongue, I drink in this nectar.
Without the Name, no one has any friend or companion; millions come and go in reincarnation.
Nanak: the profit is earned and the soul returns home. True, true are Your Teachings. ||2||
O Friend, You have travelled so far from Your homeland; I send my message of love to You.
I cherish and remember that Friend; the eyes of this soul-bride are filled with tears.
The eyes of the soul-bride are filled with tears; I dwell upon Your Glorious Virtues. How can I meet my Beloved Lord God?
I do not know the treacherous path, the way to You. How can I find You and cross over, O my Husband Lord?
Through the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru, the separated soul-bride meets with the Lord; I place my body and mind before You.
O Nanak, the ambrosial tree bears the most delicious fruits; meeting with my Beloved, I taste the sweet essence. ||3||
The Lord has called you to the Mansion of His Presence - do not delay!