Gauree, Chhant, First Mehl:
Hear me, O my Dear Husband God - I am all alone in the wilderness.
How can I find comfort without You, O my Carefree Husband God?
The soul-bride cannot live without her Husband; the night is so painful for her.
Sleep does not come. I am in love with my Beloved. Please, listen to my prayer!
Other than my Beloved, no one cares for me; I cry all alone in the wilderness.
O Nanak, the bride meets Him when He causes her to meet Him; without her Beloved, she suffers in pain. ||1||
She is separated from her Husband Lord - who can unite her with Him?
Tasting His Love, she meets Him, through the Beautiful Word of His Shabad.
Adorned with the Shabad, she obtains her Husband, and her body is illuminated with the lamp of spiritual wisdom.
Listen, O my friends and companions - she who is at peace dwells upon the True Lord and His True Praises.
Meeting the True Guru, she is ravished and enjoyed by her Husband Lord; she blossoms forth with the Ambrosial Word of His Bani.
O Nanak, the Husband Lord enjoys His bride when she is pleasing to His Mind. ||2||
Fascination with Maya made her homeless; the false are cheated by falsehood.
How can the noose around her neck be untied, without the Most Beloved Guru?
One who loves the Beloved Lord, and reflects upon the Shabad, belongs to Him.
How can giving donations to charities and countless cleansing baths wash off the filth within the heart?
Without the Naam, no one attains salvation. Stubborn self-discipline and living in the wilderness are of no use at all.
O Nanak, the home of Truth is attained through the Shabad. How can the Mansion of His Presence be known through duality? ||3||
True is Your Name, O Dear Lord; True is contemplation of Your Shabad.
True is the Mansion of Your Presence, O Dear Lord, and True is trade in Your Name.
Trade in Your Name is very sweet; the devotees earn this profit night and day.
Other than this, I can think of no other merchandise. So chant the Naam each and every moment.
The account is read; by the Grace of the True Lord and good karma, the Perfect Lord is obtained.
O Nanak, the Nectar of the Name is so sweet. Through the Perfect True Guru, it is obtained. ||4||2||
Raag Gauree Poorbee, Chhant, Third Mehl:
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:
The soul-bride offers her prayers to her Dear Lord; she dwells upon His Glorious Virtues.
She cannot live without her Beloved Lord, for a moment, even for an instant.
She cannot live without her Beloved Lord; without the Guru, the Mansion of His Presence is not found.
Whatever the Guru says, she should surely do, to extinguish the fire of desire.
The Lord is True; there is no one except Him. Without serving Him, peace is not found.
O Nanak, that soul-bride, whom the Lord Himself unites, is united with Him; He Himself merges with her. ||1||
The life-night of the soul-bride is blessed and joyful, when she focuses her consciousness on her Dear Lord.
She serves the True Guru with love; she eradicates selfishness from within.
Eradicating selfishness and conceit from within, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, she is in love with the Lord, night and day.
Listen, dear friends and companions of the soul - immerse yourselves in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.