The self-willed manmukh looks upon his daughters, sons and relatives as his own.
Gazing upon his wife, he is pleased. But along with happiness, they bring grief.
The Gurmukhs are attuned to the Word of the Shabad. Day and night, they enjoy the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||3||
The consciousness of the wicked, faithless cynics wanders around in search of transitory wealth, unstable and distracted.
Searching outside of themselves, they are ruined; the object of their search is in that sacred place within the home of the heart.
The self-willed manmukhs, in their ego, miss it; the Gurmukhs receive it in their laps. ||4||
You worthless, faithless cynic-recognize your own origin!
This body is made of blood and semen. It shall be consigned to the fire in the end.
The body is under the power of the breath, according to the True Sign inscribed upon your forehead. ||5||
Everyone begs for a long life-no one wishes to die.
A life of peace and comfort comes to that Gurmukh, within whom God dwells.
Without the Naam, what good those who do not have the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of the Lord and Guru? ||6||
In their dreams at night, people wander around as long as they sleep;
just so, they are under the power of the snake Maya, as long as their hearts are filled with ego and duality.
Through the Guru's Teachings, they come to understand and see that this world is just a dream. ||7||
As thirst is quenched with water, and the baby is satisfied with mother's milk,
and as the lotus does not exist without water, and as the fish dies without water
-O Nanak, so does the Gurmukh live, receiving the Sublime Essence of the Lord, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||8||15||
Siree Raag, First Mehl:
Beholding the terrifying mountain in this world of my father's home, I am terrified.
It is so difficult to climb this high mountain; there is no ladder which reaches up there.
But as Gurmukh, I know that it is within my self; the Guru has brought me to Union, and so I cross over. ||1||
O Siblings of Destiny, the terrifying world-ocean is so difficult to cross-I am terrified!
The Perfect True Guru, in His Pleasure, has met with me; the Guru has saved me, through the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
I may say, "I am going, I am going", but I know that, in the end, I must really go.
Whoever comes must also go. Only the Guru and the Creator are Eternal.
So praise the True One continually, and love His Place of Truth. ||2||
Beautiful gates, houses and palaces, solidly built forts,
elephants, saddled horses, hundreds of thousands of uncounted armies
-none of these will go along with anyone in the end, and yet, the fools bother themselves to exhaustion with these, and then die. ||3||
You may gather gold and sliver, but wealth is just a net of entanglement.
You may beat the drum and proclaim authority over the whole world, but without the Name, death hovers over your head.
When the body falls, the play of life is over; what shall be the condition of the evil-doers then? ||4||
The husband is delighted seeing his sons, and his wife upon his bed.
He applies sandalwood and scented oils, and dresses himself in his beautiful clothes.
But dust shall mix with dust, and he shall depart, leaving hearth and home behind. ||5||
He may be called a chief, an emperor, a king, a governor or a lord;
he may present himself as a leader or a chief, but this just burns him in the fire of egotistical pride.
The self-willed manmukh has forgotten the Naam. He is like straw, burning in the forest fire. ||6||
Whoever comes into the world and indulges in ego, must depart.