The self-willed manmukh is lured by another man's wife.
The noose is around his neck, and he is entangled in petty conflicts.
The Gurmukh is emancipated, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5||
The lonely widow gives her body to a stranger;
she allows her mind to be controlled by others for lust or money
, but without her husband, she is never satisfied. ||6||
You may read, recite and study the scriptures,
The Simritees, Vedas and Puraanas;
but without being imbued with the Lord's essence, the mind wanders endlessly. ||7||
As the rainbird thirsts longingly for the drop of rain,
and as the fish delights in the water,
Nanak is satisfied by the sublime essence of the Lord. ||8||11||
Gauree, First Mehl:
One who dies in stubbornness shall not be approved,
even though he may wear religious robes and smear his body all over with ashes.
Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he comes to regret and repent in the end. ||1||
Believe in the Dear Lord, and you shall find peace of mind.
Forgetting the Naam, you shall have to endure the pain of death. ||1||Pause||
The smell of musk, sandalwood and camphor,
and the intoxication of Maya, takes one far away from the state of supreme dignity.
Forgetting the Naam, one becomes the most false of all the false. ||2||
Lances and swords, marching bands, thrones and the salutes of others
only increase his desire; he is engrossed in sexual desire.
Without seeking the Lord, neither devotional worship nor the Naam are obtained. ||3||
Union with God is not obtained by arguments and egotism.
But by offering your mind, the comfort of the Naam is obtained.
In the love of duality and ignorance, you shall suffer. ||4||
Without money, you cannot buy anything in the store.
Without a boat, you cannot cross over the ocean.
Without serving the Guru, everything is lost. ||5||
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who shows us the Way.
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who teaches the Word of the Shabad.
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who unites me in the Lord's Union. ||6||
Waaho! Waaho! - Hail, hail, to the one who is the Keeper of this soul.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, contemplate this Ambrosial Nectar.
The Glorious Greatness of the Naam is bestowed according to the Pleasure of Your Will. ||7||
Without the Naam, how can I live, O mother?
Night and day, I chant it; I remain in the Protection of Your Sanctuary.
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, honor is attained. ||8||12||
Gauree, First Mehl:
Acting in egotism, the Lord is not known, even by wearing religious robes.
How rare is that Gurmukh, who surrenders his mind in devotional worship. ||1||
By actions done in egotism, selfishness and conceit, the True Lord is not obtained.
But when egotism departs, then the state of supreme dignity is obtained. ||1||Pause||
The kings act in egotism, and undertake all sorts of expeditions.
But through their egotism, they are ruined; they die, only to be reborn over and over again. ||2||
Egotism is overcome only by contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
One who restrains his fickle mind subdues the five passions. ||3||
With the True Lord deep within the self, the Celestial Mansion is intuitively found.
Understanding the Sovereign Lord, the state of supreme dignity is obtained. ||4||
The Guru dispels the doubts of those whose actions are true.
They focus their attention on the Home of the Fearless Lord. ||5||
Those who act in egotism, selfishness and conceit die; what do they gain?
Those who meet the Perfect Guru are rid of all conflicts. ||6||
Whatever exists, is in reality nothing.
Obtaining spiritual wisdom from the Guru, I sing the Glories of God. ||7||