He is unknowable and inscrutable.
Enshrine love for Him.
He does not perish, or go away, or die.
He is known only through the Guru.
Nanak, my mind is satisfied with the Lord, O my mind. ||2||3||159||
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl:
Grab hold of the Support of the One Lord.
Chant the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Submit to the Order of the True Lord.
Receive the treasure in your mind.
Thus you shall be absorbed in peace, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
One who is dead while yet alive,
crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.
One who becomes the dust of all
he alone is called fearless.
His anxieties are removed
by the Teachings of the Saints, O my mind. ||1||
That humble being, who takes happiness in the Naam, the Name of the Lord
pain never draws near him.
One who listens to the Praise of the Lord, Har, Har,
is obeyed by all men.
How fortunate it is that he came into the world;
Nanak, he is pleasing to God, O my mind. ||2||4||160||
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl:
Meeting together, let us sing the Praises of the Lord,
and attain the supreme state.
Those who obtain that sublime essence,
obtain all of the spiritual powers of the Siddhas.
They remain awake and aware night and day;
Nanak, they are blessed by great good fortune, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
Let us wash the feet of the Saints;
our evil-mindedness shall be cleansed.
Becoming the dust of the feet of the Lord's slaves,
one shall not be afflicted with pain.
Taking to the Sanctuary of His devotees,
he is no longer subject to birth and death.
They alone become eternal,
who chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind. ||1||
You are my Friend, my Best Friend.
Please, implant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me.
Without Him, there is not any other.
Within my mind, I worship Him in adoration.
I do not forget Him, even for an instant.
How can I live without Him?
I am a sacrifice to the Guru.
Nanak, chant the Name, O my mind. ||2||5||161||
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl:
You are the Creator, the Cause of causes.
I cannot think of any other.
Whatever You do, comes to pass.
I sleep in peace and poise.
My mind has become patient,
since I fell at God's Door, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,
I gained perfect control over my senses.
Ever since I rid myself of my self-conceit,
my sufferings have ended.
He has showered His Mercy upon me.
The Creator Lord has preserved my honor, O my mind. ||1||
Know that this is the only peace;
accept whatever the Lord does.
No one is bad.
Become the dust of the Feet of the Saints.
He Himself preserves those
who taste the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord, O my mind. ||2||
One who has no one to call his own
God belongs to him.
God knows the state of our innermost being.
He knows everything.
Please, Lord, save the sinners.
This is Nanak's prayer, O my mind. ||3||6||162||
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl, Ek-Thukay:
O my stranger soul,
listen to the call. ||1||Pause||
Whatever you are attached to,