You fool, you have forgotten the Lord from your mind!
You eat His salt, and then you are untrue to Him; before your very eyes, you shall be torn apart. ||1||Pause||
The incurable disease has arisen in your body; it cannot be removed or overcome.
Forgetting God, one endures utter agony; this is the essence of reality which Nanak has realized. ||2||8||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
I have enshrined the lotus feet of God within my consciousness.
I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, continually, continuously.
There is none other than Him at all.
He alone exists, in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end. ||1||
He Himself is the Shelter of the Saints. ||1||Pause||
The entire universe is under His control.
He Himself, the Formless Lord, is Himself by Himself.
Nanak holds tight to that True Lord.
He has found peace, and shall never suffer pain again. ||2||9||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Third House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
He is the Giver of peace to the breath of life, the Giver of life to the soul; how can you forget Him, you ignorant person?
You taste the weak, insipid wine, and you have gone insane. You have uselessly wasted this precious human life. ||1||
O man, such is the foolishness you practice.
Renouncing the Lord, the Support of the earth, you wander, deluded by doubt; you are engrossed in emotional attachment, associating with Maya, the slave-girl. ||1||Pause||
Abandoning the Lord, the Support of the earth, you serve her of lowly ancestry, and you pass you life acting egotistically.
You do useless deeds, you ignorant person; this is why you are called a blind, self-willed manmukh. ||2||
That which is true, you believe to be untrue; what is transitory, you believe to be permanent.
You grasp as your own, what belongs to others; in such delusions you are deluded. ||3||
The Kh'shaatriyas, Brahmins, Soodras and Vaishyas all cross over, through the Name of the One Lord.
Guru Nanak speaks the Teachings; whoever listens to them is carried across. ||4||1||10||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
You may act in secrecy, but God is still with you; you can only deceive other people.
Forgetting your Dear Lord, you enjoy corrupt pleasures, and so you shall have to embrace red-hot pillars. ||1||
O man, why do you go out to the households of others?
You filthy, heartless, lustful donkey! Haven't you heard of the Righteous Judge of Dharma? ||1||Pause||
The stone of corruption is tied around your neck, and the load of slander is on your head.
You must cross over the vast open ocean, but you cannot cross over to the other side. ||2||
You are engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment; you have turned your eyes away from the Truth.
You cannot even raise your head above the water of the vast, impassable sea of Maya. ||3||
The sun is liberated, and the moon is liberated; the God-realized being is pure and untouched.
His inner nature is like that of fire, untouched and forever immaculate. ||4||
When good karma dawns, the wall of doubt is torn down. He lovingly accepts the Guru's Will.