My mind is filled with yearning for the Name of the Lord.
I am totally filled with tranquility and bliss; the burning desire within has been quenched. ||Pause||
Walking on the path of the Saints, millions of mortal sinners have been saved.
One who applies the dust of the feet of the humble to his forehead, is purified, as if he has bathed at countless sacred shrines. ||1||
Meditating on His Lotus Feet deep within, one realizes the Lord and Master in each and every heart.
In the Sanctuary of the Divine, Infinite Lord, Nanak shall never again be tortured by the Messenger of Death. ||2||7||15||
Kaydaaraa Chhant, Fifth Mehl:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Please meet me, O my Dear Beloved. ||Pause||
He is All-pervading amongst all, the Architect of Destiny.
The Lord God has created His Path, which is known in the Society of the Saints.
The Creator Lord, the Architect of Destiny, is known in the Society of the Saints; You are seen in each and every heart.
One who comes to His Sanctuary, finds absolute peace; not even a bit of his work goes unnoticed.
One who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Treasure of Virtue, is easily, naturally intoxicated with the supreme, sublime essence of divine love.
Slave Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary; You are the Perfect Creator Lord, the Architect of Destiny. ||1||
The Lord's humble servant is pierced through with loving devotion to Him; where else can he go?
The fish cannot endure separation, and without water, it will die.
Without the Lord, how can I survive? How can I endure the pain? I am like the rainbird, thirsty for the rain-drop.
"When will the night pass?," asks the chakvi bird. "I shall find peace only when the rays of the sun shine on me."
My mind is attached to the Blessed Vision of the Lord. Blessed are the nights and days, when I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord,
Slave Nanak utters this prayer; without the Lord, how can the breath of life continue to flow through me? ||2||
Without the breath, how can the body obtain glory and fame?
Without the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, the humble, holy person does not find peace, even for an instant.
Those who are without the Lord suffer in hell; my mind is pierced through with the Lord's Feet.
The Lord is both sensual and unattached; lovingly attune yourself to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. No one can ever deny Him.
Go and meet with the Lord, and dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; no one can contain that peace within his being.
Please be kind to me, O Lord and Master of Nanak, that I may merge in You. ||3||
Searching and searching, I have met with my Lord God, who has showered me with His Mercy.
I am unworthy, a lowly orphan, but He does not even consider my faults.
He does not consider my faults; He has blessed me with Perfect Peace. It is said that it is His Way to purify us.
Hearing that He is the Love of His devotees, I have grasped the hem of His robe. He is totally permeating each and every heart.
I have found the Lord, the Ocean of Peace, with intuitive ease; the pains of birth and death are gone.
Taking him by the hand, the Lord has saved Nanak, His slave; He has woven the garland of His Name into his heart. ||4||1||