Endless, endless, endless are the Praises of the Lord. Suk Dayv, Naarad and the gods like Brahma sing His Glorious Praises. Your Glorious Virtues, O my Lord and Master, cannot even be counted.
O Lord, You are Infinite, O Lord, You are Infinite, O Lord, You are my Lord and Master; only You Yourself know Your Own Ways. ||1||
Those who are near, near to the Lord - those who dwell near the Lord - those humble servants of the Lord are the Holy, the devotees of the Lord.
Those humble servants of the Lord merge with their Lord, O Nanak, like water merging with water. ||2||1||8||
Saarang, Fourth Mehl:
O my mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord, your Lord and Master. The Lord is the Most Divine of all the divine beings. Chant the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam, the Lord, my most Dear Beloved. ||1||Pause||
That household, in which the Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung, where the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, resound - great is the destiny written on the forehead of one who lives in such a household.
All the sins of that humble being are taken away, all pains are taken away, all diseases are taken away; sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and egotistical pride are taken away. The Lord drives the five thieves out of such a person of the Lord. ||1||
Chant the Name of the Lord, O Holy Saints of the Lord; meditate on the Lord of the Universe, O Holy people of the Lord. Meditate in thought, word and deed on the Lord, Har, Har. Worship and adore the Lord, O Holy people of the Lord.
Chant the Name of the Lord, chant the Name of the Lord. It shall rid you of all your sins.
Continually and continuously remain awake and aware. You shall be in ecstasy forever and ever, meditating on the Lord of the Universe.
Servant Nanak: O Lord, Your devotees obtain the fruits of their minds' desires; they obtain all the fruits and rewards, and the four great blessings - Dharmic faith, wealth and riches, fulfilment of desires and liberation. ||2||2||9||
Saarang, Fourth Mehl:
O my mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord of Wealth, the Source of Nectar, the Supreme Lord God, the True Transcendent Being, God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.
He is the Destroyer of all suffering, the Giver of all peace; sing the Praises of my Beloved Lord God. ||1||Pause||
The Lord dwells in the home of each and every heart. The Lord dwells in the water, and the Lord dwells on the land. The Lord dwells in the spaces and interspaces. I have such a great longing to see the Lord.
If only some Saint, some humble Saint of the Lord, my Holy Beloved, would come, to show me the way.
I would wash and massage the feet of that humble being. ||1||
The Lord's humble servant meets the Lord, through his faith in the Lord; meeting the Lord, he becomes Gurmukh.
My mind and body are in ecstasy; I have seen my Sovereign Lord King.
Servant Nanak has been blessed with Grace, blessed with the Lord's Grace, blessed with the Grace of the Lord of the Universe.
I meditate on the Lord, the Name of the Lord, night and day, forever, forever and ever. ||2||3||10||
Saarang, Fourth Mehl:
O my mind, meditate on the Fearless Lord,
who is True, True, Forever True.
He is free of vengeance, the Image of the Undying,
beyond birth, Self-existent.
O my mind, meditate night and day on the Formless, Self-sustaining Lord. ||1||Pause||
For the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, the three hundred thirty million gods, and millions of Siddhas, celibates and Yogis make their pilgrimages to sacred shrines and rivers, and go on fasts.
The service of the humble person is approved, unto whom the Lord of the World shows His Mercy. ||1||
They alone are the good Saints of the Lord, the best and most exalted devotees, who are pleasing to their Lord.
Those who have my Lord and Master on their side - O Nanak, the Lord saves their honor. ||2||4||11||