Malaar, Fifth Mehl:
It is God's Nature to love His devotees.
He destroys the slanderers, crushing them beneath His Feet. His Glory is manifest everywhere. ||1||Pause||
His Victory is celebrated all throughout the world. He blesses all creatures with compassion.
Hugging him close in His Embrace, the Lord saves and protects His slave. The hot winds cannot even touch him. ||1||
My Lord and Master has made me His Own; dispelling my doubts and fears, He has made me happy.
The Lord's slaves enjoy ultimate ecstasy; O Nanak, faith has welled up in my mind. ||2||14||18||
Raag Malaar, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padhay, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The Gurmukh sees God pervading everywhere.
The Gurmukh knows that the universe is the extension of the three gunas, the three dispositions.
The Gurmukh reflects on the Sound-current of the Naad, and the wisdom of the Vedas.
Without the Perfect Guru, there is only pitch-black darkness. ||1||
O my mind, calling on the Guru, eternal peace is found.
Following the Guru's Teachings, the Lord comes to dwell within the heart; I meditate on my Lord and Master with every breath and morsel of food. ||1||Pause||
I am a sacrifice to the Guru's Feet.
Night and day, I continually sing the Glorious Praises of the Guru.
I take my cleansing bath in the dust of the Guru's Feet.
I am honored in the True Court of the Lord. ||2||
The Guru is the boat, to carry me across the terrifying world-ocean.
Meeting with the Guru, I shall not be reincarnated ever again.
That humble being serves the Guru,
who has such karma inscribed on his forehead by the Primal Lord. ||3||
The Guru is my life; the Guru is my support.
The Guru is my way of life; the Guru is my family.
The Guru is my Lord and Master; I seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru.
O Nanak, the Guru is the Supreme Lord God; His value cannot be estimated. ||4||1||19||
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:
I enshrine the Lord's Feet within my heart;
in His Mercy, God has united me with Himself.
God enjoins His servant to his tasks.
His worth cannot be expressed. ||1||
Please be merciful to me, O Perfect Giver of peace.
By Your Grace, You come to mind; I am imbued with Your Love, twenty-four hours a day. ||1||Pause||
Singing and listening, it is all by Your Will.
One who understands the Hukam of Your Command is absorbed in Truth.
Chanting and meditating on Your Name, I live.
Without You, there is no place at all. ||2||
Pain and pleasure come by Your Command, O Creator Lord.
By the Pleasure of Your Will You forgive, and by the Pleasure of Your Will You award punishment.
You are the Creator of both realms.
I am a sacrifice to Your Glorious Grandeur. ||3||
You alone know Your value.
You alone understand, You Yourself speak and listen.
They alone are devotees, who are pleasing to Your Will.