Drink in the sublime elixir of the Lord, O deceitful one. ||3||4||
One who recognizes the Supreme Lord God, dislikes other desires.
He focuses his consciousness on the Lord's devotional worship, and keeps his mind free of anxiety. ||1||
O my mind, how will you cross over the world-ocean, if you are filled with the water of corruption?
Gazing upon the falseness of Maya, you have gone astray, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
You have given me birth in the house of a calico-printer, but I have found the Teachings of the Guru.
By the Grace of the Saint, Naam Dayv has met the Lord. ||2||5||
Aasaa, The Word Of The Reverend Ravi Daas Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The deer, the fish, the bumble bee, the moth and the elephant are destroyed, each for a single defect.
So the one who is filled with the five incurable vices - what hope is there for him? ||1||
O Lord, he is in love with ignorance.
His lamp of clear wisdom has grown dim. ||1||Pause||
The creeping creatures live thoughtless lives, and cannot discriminate between good and evil.
It is so difficult to obtain this human incarnation, and yet, they keep company with the low. ||2||
Wherever the beings and creatures are, they are born according to the karma of their past actions.
The noose of death is unforgiving, and it shall catch them; it cannot be warded off. ||3||
O servant Ravi Daas, dispel your sorrow and doubt, and know that Guru-given spiritual wisdom is the penance of penances.
O Lord, Destroyer of the fears of Your humble devotees, make me supremely blissful in the end. ||4||1||
Your Saints are Your body, and their company is Your breath of life.
By the True Guru-given spiritual wisdom, I know the Saints as the gods of gods. ||1||
O Lord, God of gods, grant me the Society of the Saints,
The sublime essence of the Saints' conversation, and the Love of the Saints. ||1||Pause||
The Character of the Saints, the lifestyle of the Saints, and the service of the servant of the Saints. ||2||
I ask for these, and for one thing more - devotional worship, which shall fulfill my desires.
Do not show me the wicked sinners. ||3||
Says Ravi Daas, he alone is wise, who knows this:
there is no difference between the Saints and the Infinite Lord. ||4||2||
You are sandalwood, and I am the poor castor oil plant, dwelling close to you.
From a lowly tree, I have become exalted; Your fragrance, Your exquisite fragrance now permeates me. ||1||
O Lord, I seek the Sanctuary of the company of Your Saints;
I am worthless, and You are so benevolent. ||1||Pause||
You are the white and yellow threads of silk, and I am like a poor worm.
O Lord, I seek to live in the Company of the Saints, like the bee with its honey. ||2||
My social status is low, my ancestry is low, and my birth is low as well.
I have not performed the service of the Lord, the Lord, says Ravi Daas the cobbler. ||3||3||
What would it matter, if my body were cut into pieces?
If I were to lose Your Love, Lord, then Your humble servant would be afraid. ||1||
Your lotus feet are the home of my mind.
Drinking in Your Nectar, I have obtained the wealth of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
Prosperity, adversity, property and wealth are just Maya.