Contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and be rid of your ego.
True Yoga shall come to dwell in your mind. ||8||
He blessed you with body and soul, but you do not even think of Him.
You fool! Visiting graves and cremation grounds is not Yoga. ||9||
Nanak chants the sublime, glorious Bani of the Word.
Understand it, and appreciate it. ||10||5||
Basant, First Mehl:
In duality and evil-mindedness, the mortal acts blindly.
The self-willed manmukh wanders, lost in the darkness. ||1||
The blind man follows blind advice.
Unless one takes the Guru's Way, his doubt is not dispelled. ||1||Pause||
The manmukh is blind; he does not like the Guru's Teachings.
He has become a beast; he cannot get rid of his egotistical pride. ||2||
God created 8.4 million species of beings.
My Lord and Master, by the Pleasure of His Will, creates and destroys them. ||3||
All are deluded and confused, without the Word of the Shabad and good conduct.
He alone is instructed in this, who is blessed by the Guru, the Creator. ||4||
The Guru's servants are pleasing to our Lord and Master.
The Lord forgives them, and they no longer fear the Messenger of Death. ||5||
Those who love the One Lord with all their heart
- He dispels their doubts and unites them with Himself. ||6||
God is Independent, Endless and Infinite.
The Creator Lord is pleased with Truth. ||7||
O Nanak, the Guru instructs the mistaken soul.
He implants the Truth within him, and shows him the One Lord. ||8||6||
Basant, First Mehl:
He Himself is the bumble bee, the fruit and the vine.
He Himself unites us with the Sangat - the Congregation, and the Guru, our Best Friend. ||1||
O bumble bee, suck in that fragrance,
which causes the trees to flower, and the woods to grow lush foliage. ||1||Pause||
He Himself is Lakshmi, and He Himself is her husband.
He established the world by Word of His Shabad, and He Himself ravishes it. ||2||
He Himself is the calf, the cow and the milk.
He Himself is the Support of the body-mansion. ||3||
He Himself is the Deed, and He Himself is the Doer.
As Gurmukh, He contemplates Himself. ||4||
You create the creation, and gaze upon it, O Creator Lord.
You give Your Support to the uncounted beings and creatures. ||5||
You are the Profound, Unfathomable Ocean of Virtue.
You are the Unknowable, the Immaculate, the most Sublime Jewel. ||6||
You Yourself are the Creator, with the Potency to create.
You are the Independent Ruler, whose people are at peace. ||7||
Nanak is satisfied with the subtle taste of the Lord's Name.
Without the Beloved Lord and Master, life is meaningless. ||8||7||
Basant Hindol, First Mehl, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The nine regions, the seven continents, the fourteen worlds, the three qualities and the four ages - You established them all through the four sources of creation, and You seated them in Your mansions.
He placed the four lamps, one by one, into the hands of the four ages. ||1||
O Merciful Lord, Destroyer of demons, Lord of Lakshmi, such is Your Power - Your Shakti. ||1||Pause||
Your army is the fire in the home of each and every heart. And Dharma - righteous living is the ruling chieftain.
The earth is Your great cooking pot; Your beings receive their portions only once. Destiny is Your gate-keeper. ||2||
But the mortal becomes unsatisfied, and begs for more; his fickle mind brings him disgrace.