Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:
What supports you in this world?
You ignorant fool, who is your companion?
The Lord is your only companion; no one knows His condition.
You look upon the five thieves as your friends. ||1||
Serve that home, which will save you, my friend.
Chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, day and night; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, love Him in your mind. ||1||Pause||
This human life is passing away in egotism and conflict.
You are not satisfied; such is the flavor of sin.
Wandering and roaming around, you suffer terrible pain.
You cannot cross over the impassable sea of Maya. ||2||
You do the deeds which do not help you at all.
As you plant, so shall you harvest.
There is none other than the Lord to save you.
You will be saved, only if God grants His Grace. ||3||
Your Name, God, is the Purifier of sinners.
Please bless Your slave with that gift.
Please grant Your Grace, God, and emancipate me.
Nanak has grasped Your Sanctuary, God. ||4||37||48||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:
I have found peace in this world.
I will not have to appear before the Righteous Judge of Dharma to give my account.
I will be respected in the Court of the Lord,
and I will not have to enter the womb of reincarnation ever again. ||1||
Now, I know the value of friendship with the Saints.
In His Mercy, the Lord has blessed me with His Name. My pre-ordained destiny has been fulfilled. ||1||Pause||
My consciousness is attached to the Guru's feet.
Blessed, blessed is this fortunate time of union.
I have applied the dust of the Saints' feet to my forehead,
and all my sins and pains have been eradicated. ||2||
Performing true service to the Holy,
the mortal's mind is purified.
I have seen the fruitful vision of the Lord's humble slave.
God's Name dwells within each and every heart. ||3||
All my troubles and sufferings have been taken away;
I have merged into the One, from whom I originated.
The Lord of the Universe, incomparably beautiful, has become merciful.
O Nanak, God is perfect and forgiving. ||4||38||49||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:
The tiger leads the cow to the pasture,
the shell is worth thousands of dollars,
and the elephant nurses the goat,
when God bestows His Glance of Grace. ||1||
You are the treasure of mercy, O my Beloved Lord God.
I cannot even describe Your many Glorious Virtues. ||1||Pause||
The cat sees the meat, but does not eat it,
and the great butcher throws away his knife;
the Creator Lord God abides in the heart;
the net holding the fish breaks apart. ||2||
The dry wood blossoms forth in greenery and red flowers;
in the high desert, the beautiful lotus flower blooms.
The Divine True Guru puts out the fire.
He links His servant to His service. ||3||
He saves even the ungrateful;
my God is forever merciful.
He is forever the helper and support of the humble Saints.
Nanak has found the Sanctuary of His lotus feet. ||4||39||50||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: