Think of the Lord, who shall be your Help and Support in the end.
The Lord is Inaccessible and Incomprehensible. He has no master, and He is not born. He is obtained through love of the True Guru. ||1||
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who eliminate selfishness and conceit.
They eradicate selfishness and conceit, and then find the Lord; they are intuitively immersed in the Lord. ||1||Pause||
According to their pre-ordained destiny, they act out their karma.
Serving the True Guru, a lasting peace is found.
Without good fortune, the Guru is not found. Through the Word of the Shabad, they are united in the Lord's Union. ||2||
The Gurmukhs remain unaffected in the midst of the world.
The Guru is their cushion, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is their Support.
Who can oppress the Gurmukh? One who tries shall perish, writhing in pain. ||3||
The blind self-willed manmukhs have no understanding at all.
They are the assassins of the self, and the butchers of the world.
By continually slandering others, they carry a terrible load, and they carry the loads of others for nothing. ||4||
This world is a garden, and my Lord God is the Gardener.
He always takes care of it-nothing is exempt from His Care.
As is the fragrance which He bestows, so is the fragrant flower known. ||5||
The self-willed manmukhs are sick and diseased in the world.
They have forgotten the Giver of peace, the Unfathomable, the Infinite.
These miserable people wander endlessly, crying out in pain; without the Guru, they find no peace. ||6||
The One who created them, knows their condition.
And if He inspires them, then they realize the Hukam of His Command.
Whatever He places within them, that is what prevails, and so they outwardly appear. ||7||
I know of no other except the True One.
Those, whom the Lord attaches to Himself, become pure.
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the heart of those, unto whom He has given it. ||8||14||15||
Maajh, Third Mehl:
Enshrining the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, in the mind,
all the pains of egotism, selfishness and conceit are eliminated.
By continually praising the Ambrosial Bani of the Word, I obtain the Amrit, the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Ambrosial Bani of the Word within their minds.
Enshrining the Ambrosial Bani in their minds, they meditate on the Ambrosial Naam. ||1||Pause||
Those who continually chant the Ambrosial Words of Nectar,
See and behold this Amrit everywhere with their eyes.
They continually chant the Ambrosial Sermon day and night; chanting it, they cause others to hear it. ||2||
Imbued with the Ambrosial Love of the Lord, they lovingly focus their attention on Him.
By Guru's Grace, they receive this Amrit.
They chant the Ambrosial Name with their tongues day and night; their minds and bodies are satisfied by this Amrit. ||3||
That which God does is beyond anyone's consciousness;
no one can erase the Hukam of His Command.
By His Command, the Ambrosial Bani of the Word prevails, and by His Command, we drink in the Amrit. ||4||
The actions of the Creator Lord are marvellous and wonderful.
This mind is deluded, and goes around the wheel of reincarnation.
Those who focus their consciousness on the Ambrosial Bani of the Word, hear the vibrations of the Ambrosial Word of the Shabad. ||5||