So many lifetimes are wasted in these ways.
Nanak: uplift them, and redeem them, O Lord - show Your Mercy! ||7||
You are our Lord and Master; to You, I offer this prayer.
This body and soul are all Your property.
You are our mother and father; we are Your children.
In Your Grace, there are so many joys!
No one knows Your limits.
O Highest of the High, Most Generous God,
the whole creation is strung on Your thread.
That which has come from You is under Your Command.
You alone know Your state and extent.
Nanak, Your slave, is forever a sacrifice. ||8||4||
One who renounces God the Giver, and attaches himself to other affairs
- O Nanak, he shall never succeed. Without the Name, he shall lose his honor. ||1||
He obtains ten things, and puts them behind him;
for the sake of one thing withheld, he forfeits his faith.
But what if that one thing were not given, and the ten were taken away?
Then, what could the fool say or do?
Our Lord and Master cannot be moved by force.
Unto Him, bow forever in adoration.
That one, unto whose mind God seems sweet
all pleasures come to abide in his mind.
One who abides by the Lord's Will,
O Nanak, obtains all things. ||1||
God the Banker gives endless capital to the mortal,
who eats, drinks and expends it with pleasure and joy.
If some of this capital is later taken back by the Banker,
the ignorant person shows his anger.
He himself destroys his own credibility,
and he shall not again be trusted.
When one offers to the Lord, that which belongs to the Lord,
and willingly abides by the Will of God's Order,
the Lord will make him happy four times over.
O Nanak, our Lord and Master is merciful forever. ||2||
The many forms of attachment to Maya shall surely pass away
- know that they are transitory.
People fall in love with the shade of the tree,
and when it passes away, they feel regret in their minds.
Whatever is seen, shall pass away;
and yet, the blindest of the blind cling to it.
One who gives her love to a passing traveler
nothing shall come into her hands in this way.
O mind, the love of the Name of the Lord bestows peace.
O Nanak, the Lord, in His Mercy, unites us with Himself. ||3||
False are body, wealth, and all relations.
False are ego, possessiveness and Maya.
False are power, youth, wealth and property.
False are sexual desire and wild anger.
False are chariots, elephants, horses and expensive clothes.
False is the love of gathering wealth, and reveling in the sight of it.
False are deception, emotional attachment and egotistical pride.
False are pride and self-conceit.
Only devotional worship is permanent, and the Sanctuary of the Holy.
Nanak lives by meditating, meditating on the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||4||
False are the ears which listen to the slander of others.
False are the hands which steal the wealth of others.