Wherever I join them, there they are joined; they do not struggle against me.
I obtain the fruits of my desires; the Guru has directed me within.
When Guru Nanak is pleased, O Siblings of Destiny, the Lord is seen to be dwelling near at hand. ||10||
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:
When You come into my consciousness, then I obtain all peace and comfort.
Nanak: with Your Name within my mind, O my Husband Lord, I am filled with delight. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
Enjoyment of clothes and corrupt pleasures - all these are nothing more than dust.
I long for the dust of the feet of those who are imbued with the Lord's Vision. ||2||
Fifth Mehl:
Why do you look in other directions? O my heart, take the Support of the Lord alone.
Become the dust of the feet of the Saints, and find the Lord, the Giver of peace. ||3||
Without good karma, the Dear Lord is not found; without the True Guru, the mind is not joined to Him.
Only the Dharma remains stable in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga; these sinners will not last at all.
Whatever one does with this hand, he obtains with the other hand, without a moment's delay.
I have examined the four ages, and without the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, egotism does not depart.
Egotism is never eradicated without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
As long as one's mind is torn away from his Lord and Master, he finds no place of rest.
That humble being, who, as Gurmukh, serves the Lord, has the Support of the Imperishable Lord in the home of his heart.
By the Lord's Grace, peace is obtained, and one is attached to the feet of the Guru, the True Guru. ||11||
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:
I have searched everywhere for the King over the heads of kings.
That Master is within my heart; I chant His Name with my mouth. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
O my mother, the Master has blessed me with the jewel.
My heart is cooled and soothed, chanting the True Name with my mouth. ||2||
Fifth Mehl:
I have become the bed for my Beloved Husband Lord; my eyes have become the sheets.
If You look at me, even for an instant, then I obtain peace beyond all price. ||3||
My mind longs to meet the Lord; how can I obtain the Blessed Vision of His Darshan?
I obtain hundreds of thousands, if my Lord and Master speaks to me, even for an instant.
I have searched in four directions; there is no other as great as You, Lord.
Show me the Path, O Saints. How can I meet God?
I dedicate my mind to Him, and renounce my ego. This is the Path which I shall take.
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I serve my Lord and Master continually.
All my hopes are fulfilled; the Guru has ushered me into the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
I cannot conceive of any other as great as You, O my Friend, O Lord of the World. ||12||
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:
I have become the throne for my Beloved Lord King.
If You place Your foot on me, I blossom forth like the lotus flower. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
If my Beloved becomes hungry, I will become food, and place myself before Him.
I may be crushed, again and again, but like sugarcane, I do not stop yielding sweet juice. ||2||
Fifth Mehl:
Break off your love with the cheaters; realize that it is a mirage.
Your pleasure lasts for only two moments; this traveller wanders through countless homes. ||3||
God is not found by intellectual devices; He is unknowable and unseen.