There is one bed for the soul-bride, and the same bed for God, her Lord and Master. The self-willed manmukh does not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence; she wanders around, in limbo.
Uttering, "Guru, Guru", she seeks His Sanctuary; so God comes to meet her, without a moment's delay. ||5||
One may perform many rituals, but the mind is filled with hypocrisy, evil deeds and greed.
When a son is born in the house of a prostitute, who can tell the name of his father? ||6||
Because of devotional worship in my past incarnations, I have been born into this life. The Guru has inspired me to worship the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har.
Worshipping, worshipping Him with devotion, I found the Lord, and then I merged into the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||7||
God Himself came and ground the henna leaves into powder, and applied it to my body.
Our Lord and Master showers His Mercy upon us, and grasps hold of our arms; O Nanak, He lifts us up and saves us. ||8||6||9||2||1||6||9||
Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Ashtpadheeyaa, Twelfth House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
I cannot express the Praises of my God; I cannot express His Praises.
I have abandoned all others, seeking His Sanctuary. ||1||Pause||
God's Lotus Feet are Infinite.
I am forever a sacrifice to Them.
My mind is in love with Them.
If I were to abandon Them, there is nowhere else I could go. ||1||
I chant the Lord's Name with my tongue.
The filth of my sins and evil mistakes is burnt off.
Climbing aboard the Boat of the Saints, I am emancipated.
I have been carried across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||
My mind is tied to the Lord with the string of love and devotion.
This is the Immaculate Way of the Saints.
They forsake sin and corruption.
They meet the Formless Lord God. ||3||
Gazing upon God, I am wonderstruck.
I taste the Perfect Flavor of Bliss.
I do not waver or wander here or there.
The Lord God, Har, Har, dwells within my consciousness. ||4||
Those who constantly remember God,
The treasure of virtue, will never go to hell.
Those who listen, fascinated, to the Unstruck Sound-Current of the Word,
Will never have to see the Messenger of Death with their eyes. ||5||
I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord, the Heroic Lord of the World.
The Merciful Lord God is under the power of His devotees.
The Vedas do not know the Mystery of the Lord.
The silent sages constantly serve Him. ||6||
He is the Destroyer of the pains and sorrows of the poor.
It is so very difficult to serve Him.
No one knows His limits.
He is pervading the water, the land and the sky. ||7||
Hundreds of thousands of times, I humbly bow to Him.
I have grown weary, and I have collapsed at God's Door.
O God, make me the dust of the feet of the Holy.
Please fulfill this, Nanak's wish. ||8||1||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
God, please release me from birth and death.
I have grown weary, and collapsed at Your door.
I grasp Your Feet, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
The Love of the Lord, Har, Har, is sweet to my mind.