He is hand and glove with those who are of no use to him; the poor wretch is affectionately involved with them. ||1||
I am nothing; nothing belongs to me. I have no power or control.
O Creator, Cause of causes, Lord God of Nanak, I am saved and redeemed in the Society of the Saints. ||2||36||59||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
The Great Enticer Maya keeps enticing, and cannot be stopped.
She is the Beloved of all the Siddhas and seekers; no one can fend her off. ||1||Pause||
Reciting the six Shaastras and visiting sacred shrines of pilgrimage do not decrease her power.
Devotional worship, ceremonial religious marks, fasting, vows and penance - none of these will make her release her hold. ||1||
The world has fallen into the deep dark pit. O Saints, please bless me with the supreme status of salvation.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak has been liberated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, even for an instant. ||2||37||60||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
Why are you working so hard to earn profits?
You are puffed up like a bag of air, and your skin is very brittle. Your body has grown old and dusty. ||1||Pause||
You move things from here to there, like the hawk swooping down on the flesh of its prey.
You are blind - you have forgotten the Great Giver. You fill your belly like a traveller at an inn. ||1||
You are entangled in the taste of false pleasures and corrupt sins; the path which you have to take is very narrow.
Says Nanak: figure it out, you ignorant fool! Today or tomorrow, the knot will be untied! ||2||38||61||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
O Dear Guru, by associating with You, I have come to know the Lord.
There are millions of heroes, and no one pays any attention to them, but in the Court of the Lord, I am honored and respected. ||1||Pause||
What is the origin of the human beings? How beautiful they are!
When God infuses His Light into clay, the human body is judged to be precious. ||1||
From You, I have learned to serve; from You, I have learned to chant and meditate; from You, I have realized the essence of reality.
Placing His Hand on my forehead, He has cut away the bonds which held me; O Nanak, I am the slave of His slaves. ||2||39||62||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
The Lord has blessed His servant with His Name.
What can any poor mortal do to someone who has the Lord as his Savior and Protector? ||1||Pause||
He Himself is the Great Being; He Himself is the Leader. He Himself accomplishes the tasks of His servant.
Our Lord and Master destroys all demons; He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||1||
He Himself saves the honor of His servants; He Himself blesses them with stability.
From the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, He saves His servants. O Nanak, how rare is the person who knows God. ||2||40||63||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
O Lord, You are my Best Friend, my Companion, my Breath of Life.
My mind, wealth, body and soul are all Yours; this body is sewn together by Your Blessing. ||1||Pause||
You have blessed me with all sorts of gifts; you have blessed me with honor and respect.
Forever and ever, You preserve my honor, O Inner-knower, O Searcher of hearts. ||1||