The brilliant flash of the One Lord is revealed to them - they behold Him in the ten directions.
Prays Nanak, I meditate on the Lord's lotus feet; the Lord is the Lover of His devotees; this is His natural way. ||4||3||6||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
The Husband Lord of the Saints is eternal; He does not die or go away.
She, whose home is blessed by her Husband Lord, enjoys Him forever.
God is eternal and immortal, forever young and immaculately pure.
He is not far away, He is ever-present; the Lord and Master fills the ten directions, forever and ever.
He is the Lord of souls, the source of salvation and wisdom. The Love of my Dear Beloved is pleasing to me.
Nanak speaks what the Guru's Teachings have led him to know. The Husband Lord of the Saints is eternal; He does not die or go away. ||1||
One who has the Lord as her Husband enjoys great bliss.
That soul-bride is happy, and her glory is perfect.
She obtains honor, greatness and happiness, singing the Praise of the Lord. God, the Great Being, is always with her.
She attains total perfection and the nine treasures; her home lacks nothing. - everything is there.
Her speech is so sweet; she obeys her Beloved Lord; her marriage is permanent and everlasting.
Nanak chants what he knows through the Guru's Teachings: One who has the Lord as her Husband enjoys great bliss. ||2||
Come, O my companions, let us dedicate ourselves to serving the Saints.
Let us grind their corn, wash their feet and so renounce our self-conceit.
Let us shed our egos, and our troubles shall be removed; let us not display ourselves.
Let us take to His Sanctuary and obey Him, and be happy with whatever He does.
Let us become the slaves of His slaves, and shed our sadness, and with our palms pressed together, remain wakeful day and night.
Nanak chants what he knows through the Guru's Teachings; come, O my companions, let us dedicate ourselves to serving the Saints. ||3||
One who has such good destiny written upon his forehead, dedicates himself to His service.
One who attains the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, has his desires fulfilled.
In the Saadh Sangat, immerse yourself in the Love of the Lord; remember the Lord of the Universe in meditation.
Doubt, emotional attachment, sin and duality - he renounces them all.
Peace, poise and tranquility fill his mind, and he sings the Lord's Glorious Praises with joy and delight.
Nanak chants what he knows through the Guru's Teachings: one who has such good destiny written upon his forehead, dedicates himself to His service. ||4||4||7||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl,
If you chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the Messenger of Death will have nothing to say to you.
O Nanak, the mind and body will be at peace, and in the end, you shall merge with the Lord of the world. ||1||
Let me join the Society of the Saints - save me, Lord!
With my palms pressed together, I offer my prayer: give me Your Name, O Lord, Har, Har.
I beg for the Lord's Name, and fall at His feet; I renounce my self-conceit, by Your kindness.
I shall not wander anywhere else, but take to Your Sanctuary. O God, embodiment of mercy, have mercy on me.
O all-powerful, indescribable, infinite and immaculate Lord Master, listen to this, my prayer.
With palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this blessing: O Lord, let my cycle of birth and death come to an end. ||1||