The Lord's Feet are the Pools of Ambrosial Nectar; your dwelling is there, O my mind.
Take your cleansing bath in the Ambrosial Pool of the Lord, and all of your sins shall be wiped away, O my soul.
Take your cleansing ever in the Lord God, O friends, and the pain of darkness shall be dispelled.
Birth and death shall not touch you, and the noose of Death shall be cut away.
So join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and be imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord; there, your hopes shall be fulfilled.
Prays Nanak, shower Your Mercy upon me, O Lord, that I might dwell at Your Lotus Feet. ||1||
There is bliss and ecstasy there always, and the unstruck celestial melody resounds there.
Meeting together, the Saints sing God's Praises, and celebrate His Victory.
Meeting together, the Saints sing the Praises of the Lord Master; they are pleasing to the Lord, and saturated with the sublime essence of His love and affection.
They obtain the profit of the Lord, eliminate their self-conceit, and meet Him, from whom they were separated for so long.
Taking them by the arm, He makes them His own; God, the One, inaccessible and infinite, bestows His kindness.
Prays Nanak, forever immaculate are those who sing the Praises of the True Word of the Shabad. ||2||
Listen, O most fortunate ones, to the Ambrosial Bani of the Word of the Lord.
He alone, whose karma is so pre-ordained, has it enter into his heart.
He alone knows the Unspoken Speech, unto whom God has shown His Mercy.
He becomes immortal, and shall not die again; his troubles, disputes and pains are dispelled.
He finds the Sanctuary of the Lord; he does not forsake the Lord, and does not leave. God's Love is pleasing to his mind and body.
Prays Nanak, sing forever the Sacred Ambrosial Bani of His Word. ||3||
My mind and body are intoxicated - this state cannot be described.
We originated from Him, and into Him we shall merge once again.
I merge into God's Light, through and through, like water merging into water.
The One Lord permeates the water, the land and the sky - I do not see any other.
He is totally permeating the woods, meadows and the three worlds. I cannot express His worth.
Prays Nanak, He alone knows - He who created this creation. ||4||2||5||
Bihaagraa, Fifth Mehl:
The Saints go around, searching for God, the support of their breath of life.
They lose the strength of their bodies, if they do not merge with their Beloved Lord.
O God, my Beloved, please, bestow Your kindness upon me, that I may merge with You; by Your Mercy, attach me to the hem of Your robe.
Bless me with Your Name, that I may chant it, O Lord and Master; beholding the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, I live.
He is all-powerful, perfect, eternal and unchanging, exalted, unapproachable and infinite.
Prays Nanak, bestow Your Mercy upon me, O Beloved of my soul, that I may merge with You. ||1||
I have practiced chanting, intensive meditation and fasting, to see Your Feet, O Lord.
But still, my burning is not quenched, without the Sanctuary of the Lord Master.
I seek Your Sanctuary, God - please, cut away my bonds and carry me across the world-ocean.
I am masterless, worthless, and I know nothing; please do not count up my merits and demerits.
O Lord, Merciful to the meek, Sustainer of the world, O Beloved, Almighty Cause of causes.
Nanak, the song-bird, begs for the rain-drop of the Lord's Name; meditating on the Feet of the Lord, Har, Har, he lives. ||2||