Triumphant cheers greet me all across the world, and all beings yearn for me.
The True Guru and God are totally pleased with me; no obstacle blocks my way. ||1||
One who has the Merciful Lord God on his side - everyone becomes his slave.
Forever and ever, O Nanak, glorious greatness rests with the Guru. ||2||12||30||
Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Fifth House, Chau-Padhay:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
This perishable realm and world has been made like a house of sand.
In no time at all, it is destroyed, like the paper drenched with water. ||1||
Listen to me, people: behold, and consider this within your mind.
The Siddhas, the seekers, house-holders and Yogis have forsaken their homes and left. ||1||Pause||
This world is like a dream in the night.
All that is seen shall perish. Why are you attached to it, you fool? ||2||
Where are your brothers and friends? Open your eyes and see!
Some have gone, and some will go; everyone must take his turn. ||3||
Those who serve the Perfect True Guru, remain ever-stable at the Door of the Lord.
Servant Nanak is the Lord's slave; preserve his honor, O Lord, Destroyer of ego. ||4||1||31||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
The glories of the world, I cast into the fire.
I chant those words, by which I may meet my Beloved. ||1||
When God becomes Merciful, then He enjoins me to His devotional service.
My mind clings to worldly desires; meeting with the Guru, I have renounced them. ||1||Pause||
I pray with intense devotion, and offer this soul to Him.
I would sacrifice all other riches, for a moment's union with my Beloved. ||2||
Through the Guru, I am rid of the five villains, as well as emotional love and hate.
My heart is illumined, and the Lord has become manifest; night and day, I remain awake and aware. ||3||
The blessed soul-bride seeks His Sanctuary; her destiny is recorded on her forehead.
Says Nanak, she obtains her Husband Lord; her body and mind are cooled and soothed. ||4||2||32||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
One is dyed in the color of the Lord's Love, by great good fortune.
This color is never muddied; no stain ever sticks to it. ||1||
He finds God, the Giver of peace, with feelings of joy.
The Celestial Lord blends into his soul, and he can never leave Him. ||1||Pause||
Old age and death cannot touch him, and he shall not suffer pain again.
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, he is satisfied; the Guru makes him immortal. ||2||
He alone knows its taste, who tastes the Priceless Name of the Lord.
Its value cannot be estimated; what can I say with my mouth? ||3||
Fruitful is the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Supreme Lord God. The Word of Your Bani is the treasure of virtue.