The pain of my mind is known only to my own mind; who can know the pain of another? ||1||
The Lord, the Guru, the Enticer, has enticed my mind.
I am stunned and amazed, gazing upon my Guru; I have entered the realm of wonder and bliss. ||1||Pause||
I wander around, exploring all lands and foreign countries; within my mind, I have such a great longing to see my God.
I sacrifice my mind and body to the Guru, who has shown me the Way, the Path to my Lord God. ||2||
If only someone would bring me news of God; He seems so sweet to my heart, mind and body.
I would cut off my head and place it under the feet of that one who leads me to meet and unite with my Lord God. ||3||
Let us go, O my companions, and understand our God; with the spell of virtue, let us obtain our Lord God.
He is called the Lover of His devotees; let us follow in the footsteps of those who seek God's Sanctuary. ||4||
If the soul-bride adorns herself with compassion and forgiveness, God is pleased, and her mind is illumined with the lamp of the Guru's wisdom.
With happiness and ecstasy, my God enjoys her; I offer each and every bit of my soul to Him. ||5||
I have made the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, my necklace; my mind tinged with devotion is the intricate ornament of crowning glory.
I have spread out my bed of faith in the Lord, Har, Har. I cannot abandon Him - my mind is filled with such a great love for Him. ||6||
If God says one thing, and the soul-bride does something else, then all her decorations are useless and false.
She may adorn herself to meet her Husband Lord, but still, only the virtuous soul-bride meets God, and the other's face is spat upon. ||7||
I am Your hand-maiden, O Inaccessible Lord of the Universe; what can I do by myself? I am under Your power.
Be merciful, Lord, to the meek, and save them; Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Lord, and the Guru. ||8||5||8||
Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl:
My mind and body are filled with love for my Inaccessible Lord and Master. Each and every instant, I am filled with immense faith and devotion.
Gazing upon the Guru, my mind's faith is fulfilled, like the song-bird, which cries and cries, until the rain-drop falls into its mouth. ||1||
Join with me, join with me, O my companions, and teach me the Sermon of the Lord.
The True Guru has mercifully united me with God. Cutting off my head, and chopping it into pieces, I offer it to Him. ||1||Pause||
Each and every hair on my head, and my mind and body, suffer the pains of separation; without seeing my God, I cannot sleep.
The doctors and healers look at me, and are perplexed. Within my heart, mind and body, I feel the pain of divine love. ||2||
I cannot live for a moment, for even an instant, without my Beloved, like the opium addict who cannot live without opium.
Those who thirst for God, do not love any other. Without the Lord, there is no other at all. ||3||
If only someone would come and unite me with God; I am devoted, dedicated, a sacrifice to him.
After being separated from the Lord for countless incarnations, I am re-united with Him, entering the Sanctuary of the True, True, True Guru. ||4||