In the third watch, both hunger and thirst bark for attention, and food is put into the mouth.
That which is eaten becomes dust, but they are still attached to eating.
In the fourth watch, they become drowsy. They close their eyes and begin to dream.
Rising up again, they engage in conflicts; they set the stage as if they will live for 100 years.
If at all times, at each and every moment, they live in the fear of God
-O Nanak, the Lord dwells within their minds, and their cleansing bath is true. ||1||
Second Mehl:
They are the perfect kings, who have found the Perfect Lord.
Twenty-four hours a day, they remain unconcerned, imbued with the Love of the One Lord.
Only a few obtain the Darshan, the Blessed Vision of the Unimaginably Beauteous Lord.
Through the perfect karma of good deeds, one meets the Perfect Guru, whose speech is perfect.
O Nanak, when the Guru makes one perfect, one's weight does not decrease. ||2||
When You are with me, what more could I want? I speak only the Truth.
Plundered by the thieves of worldly affairs, she does not obtain the Mansion of His Presence.
Being so stone-hearted, she has lost her chance to serve the Lord.
That heart, in which the True Lord is not found, should be torn down and re-built.
How can she be weighed accurately, upon the scale of perfection?
No one will say that her weight has been shorted, if she rids herself of egotism.
The genuine are assayed, and accepted in the Court of the All-knowing Lord.
The genuine merchandise is found only in one shop-it is obtained from the Perfect Guru. ||17||
Salok, Second Mehl:
Twenty-four hours a day, destroy the eight things, and in the ninth place, conquer the body.
Within the body are the nine treasures of the Name of the Lord-seek the depths of these virtues.
Those blessed with the karma of good actions praise the Lord. O Nanak, they make the Guru their spiritual teacher.
In the fourth watch of the early morning hours, a longing arises in their higher consciousness.
They are attuned to the river of life; the True Name is in their minds and on their lips.
The Ambrosial Nectar is distributed, and those with good karma receive this gift.
Their bodies become golden, and take on the color of spirituality.
If the Jeweller casts His Glance of Grace, they are not placed in the fire again.
Throughout the other seven watches of the day, it is good to speak the Truth, and sit with the spiritually wise.
There, vice and virtue are distinguished, and the capital of falsehood is decreased.
There, the counterfeit are cast aside, and the genuine are cheered.
Speech is vain and useless. O Nanak, pain and pleasure are in the power of our Lord and Master. ||1||
Second Mehl:
Air is the Guru, Water is the Father, and Earth is the Great Mother of all.
Day and night are the two nurses, in whose lap all the world is at play.
Good deeds and bad deeds-the record is read out in the Presence of the Lord of Dharma.
According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven farther away.
Those who have meditated on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of their brow
-O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many others are saved along with them! ||2||
The True Food is the Love of the Lord; the True Guru has spoken.
With this True Food, I am satisfied, and with the Truth, I am delighted.
True are the cities and the villages, where one abides in the True Home of the self.
When the True Guru is pleased, one receives the Lord's Name, and blossoms forth in His Love.
No one enters the Court of the True Lord through falsehood.
By uttering falsehood and only falsehood, the Mansion of the Lord's Presence is lost.