The love of Maya makes this mind dance, and the deceit within makes people suffer in pain. ||4||
When the Lord inspires one to become Gurmukh, and perform devotional worship,
then his body and mind are attuned to His Love with intuitive ease.
The Word of His Bani vibrates, and the Word of His Shabad resounds, for the Gurmukh whose devotional worship is accepted. ||5||
One may beat upon and play all sorts of instruments,
but no one will listen, and no one will enshrine it in the mind.
For the sake of Maya, they set the stage and dance, but they are in love with duality, and they obtain only sorrow. ||6||
Those whose inner beings are attached to the Lord's Love are liberated.
They control their sexual desires, and their lifestyle is the self-discipline of Truth.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they meditate forever on the Lord. This devotional worship is pleasing to the Lord. ||7||
To live as Gurmukh is devotional worship, throughout the four ages.
This devotional worship is not obtained by any other means.
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is obtained only through devotion to the Guru. So focus your consciousness on the Guru's Feet. ||8||20||21||
Maajh, Third Mehl:
Serve the True One, and praise the True One.
With the True Name, pain shall never afflict you.
Those who serve the Giver of peace find peace. They enshrine the Guru's Teachings within their minds. ||1||
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who intuitively enter into the peace of Samaadhi.
Those who serve the Lord are always beautiful. The glory of their intuitive awareness is beautiful. ||1||Pause||
All call themselves Your devotees,
but they alone are Your devotees, who are pleasing to Your mind.
Through the True Word of Your Bani, they praise You; attuned to Your Love, they worship You with devotion. ||2||
All are Yours, O Dear True Lord.
Meeting the Gurmukh, this cycle of reincarnation comes to an end.
When it pleases Your Will, then we merge in the Name. You Yourself inspire us to chant the Name. ||3||
Through the Guru's Teachings, I enshrine the Lord within my mind.
Pleasure and pain, and all emotional attachments are gone.
I am lovingly centered on the One Lord forever. I enshrine the Lord's Name within my mind. ||4||
Your devotees are attuned to Your Love; they are always joyful.
The nine treasures of the Naam come to dwell within their minds.
By perfect destiny, they find the True Guru, and through the Word of the Shabad, they are united in the Lord's Union. ||5||
You are Merciful, and always the Giver of peace.
You Yourself unite us; You are known only to the Gurmukhs.
You Yourself bestow the glorious greatness of the Naam; attuned to the Naam, we find peace. ||6||
Forever and ever, O True Lord, I praise You.
As Gurmukh, I know no other at all.
My mind remains immersed in the One Lord; my mind surrenders to Him, and in my mind I meet Him. ||7||
One who becomes Gurmukh, praises the Lord.
Our True Lord and Master is Carefree.
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the mind; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, we merge with the Lord. ||8||21||22||
Maajh, Third Mehl:
Your devotees look beautiful in the True Court.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are adorned with the Naam.
They are forever in bliss, day and night; chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, they merge with the Lord of Glory. ||1||