Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Page - 285

ਜਿਸ ਕੀ ਸ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਸੁ ਕਰਣੈਹਾਰੁ ॥
jis kee srisatt su karanaihaar |

He is the Creator Lord of His world.

ਅਵਰ ਨ ਬੂਝਿ ਕਰਤ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ ॥
avar na boojh karat beechaar |

No one else understands Him, although they may try.

ਕਰਤੇ ਕੀ ਮਿਤਿ ਨ ਜਾਨੈ ਕੀਆ ॥
karate kee mit na jaanai keea |

The created cannot know the extent of the Creator.

ਨਾਨਕ ਜੋ ਤਿਸੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਸੋ ਵਰਤੀਆ ॥੭॥
naanak jo tis bhaavai so varateea |7|

O Nanak, whatever pleases Him comes to pass. ||7||

ਬਿਸਮਨ ਬਿਸਮ ਭਏ ਬਿਸਮਾਦ ॥
bisaman bisam bhe bisamaad |

Gazing upon His wondrous wonder, I am wonder-struck and amazed!

ਜਿਨਿ ਬੂਝਿਆ ਤਿਸੁ ਆਇਆ ਸ੍ਵਾਦ ॥
jin boojhiaa tis aaeaa svaad |

One who realizes this, comes to taste this state of joy.

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਾਚਿ ਜਨ ਰਹੇ ॥
prabh kai rang raach jan rahe |

God's humble servants remain absorbed in His Love.

ਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਬਚਨਿ ਪਦਾਰਥ ਲਹੇ ॥
gur kai bachan padaarath lahe |

Following the Guru's Teachings, they receive the four cardinal blessings.

ਓਇ ਦਾਤੇ ਦੁਖ ਕਾਟਨਹਾਰ ॥
oe daate dukh kaattanahaar |

They are the givers, the dispellers of pain.

ਜਾ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ਤਰੈ ਸੰਸਾਰ ॥
jaa kai sang tarai sansaar |

In their company, the world is saved.

ਜਨ ਕਾ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਸੋ ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ॥
jan kaa sevak so vaddabhaagee |

The slave of the Lord's servant is so very blessed.

ਜਨ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ਏਕ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਗੀ ॥
jan kai sang ek liv laagee |

In the company of His servant, one becomes attached to the Love of the One.

ਗੁਨ ਗੋਬਿਦ ਕੀਰਤਨੁ ਜਨੁ ਗਾਵੈ ॥
gun gobid keeratan jan gaavai |

His humble servant sings the Kirtan, the songs of the glory of God.

ਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਫਲੁ ਪਾਵੈ ॥੮॥੧੬॥
guraprasaad naanak fal paavai |8|16|

By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, he receives the fruits of his rewards. ||8||16||

ਸਲੋਕੁ ॥
salok |


ਆਦਿ ਸਚੁ ਜੁਗਾਦਿ ਸਚੁ ॥
aad sach jugaad sach |

True in the beginning, True throughout the ages,

ਹੈ ਭਿ ਸਚੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਹੋਸੀ ਭਿ ਸਚੁ ॥੧॥
hai bhi sach naanak hosee bhi sach |1|

True here and now. O Nanak, He shall forever be True. ||1||

ਅਸਟਪਦੀ ॥
asattapadee |


ਚਰਨ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਪਰਸਨਹਾਰ ॥
charan sat sat parasanahaar |

His Lotus Feet are True, and True are those who touch Them.

ਪੂਜਾ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਸੇਵਦਾਰ ॥
poojaa sat sat sevadaar |

His devotional worship is True, and True are those who worship Him.

ਦਰਸਨੁ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਪੇਖਨਹਾਰ ॥
darasan sat sat pekhanahaar |

The Blessing of His Vision is True, and True are those who behold it.

ਨਾਮੁ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਧਿਆਵਨਹਾਰ ॥
naam sat sat dhiaavanahaar |

His Naam is True, and True are those who meditate on it.

ਆਪਿ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਸਭ ਧਾਰੀ ॥
aap sat sat sabh dhaaree |

He Himself is True, and True is all that He sustains.

ਆਪੇ ਗੁਣ ਆਪੇ ਗੁਣਕਾਰੀ ॥
aape gun aape gunakaaree |

He Himself is virtuous goodness, and He Himself is the Bestower of virtue.

ਸਬਦੁ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਬਕਤਾ ॥
sabad sat sat prabh bakataa |

The Word of His Shabad is True, and True are those who speak of God.

ਸੁਰਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਜਸੁ ਸੁਨਤਾ ॥
surat sat sat jas sunataa |

Those ears are True, and True are those who listen to His Praises.

ਬੁਝਨਹਾਰ ਕਉ ਸਤਿ ਸਭ ਹੋਇ ॥
bujhanahaar kau sat sabh hoe |

All is True to one who understands.

ਨਾਨਕ ਸਤਿ ਸਤਿ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਸੋਇ ॥੧॥
naanak sat sat prabh soe |1|

O Nanak, True, True is He, the Lord God. ||1||

ਸਤਿ ਸਰੂਪੁ ਰਿਦੈ ਜਿਨਿ ਮਾਨਿਆ ॥
sat saroop ridai jin maaniaa |

One who believes in the Embodiment of Truth with all his heart

ਕਰਨ ਕਰਾਵਨ ਤਿਨਿ ਮੂਲੁ ਪਛਾਨਿਆ ॥
karan karaavan tin mool pachhaaniaa |

recognizes the Cause of causes as the Root of all.

ਜਾ ਕੈ ਰਿਦੈ ਬਿਸ੍ਵਾਸੁ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਆਇਆ ॥
jaa kai ridai bisvaas prabh aaeaa |

One whose heart is filled with faith in God

ਤਤੁ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਤਿਸੁ ਮਨਿ ਪ੍ਰਗਟਾਇਆ ॥
tat giaan tis man pragattaaeaa |

the essence of spiritual wisdom is revealed to his mind.

ਭੈ ਤੇ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਹੋਇ ਬਸਾਨਾ ॥
bhai te nirbhau hoe basaanaa |

Coming out of fear, he comes to live without fear.

ਜਿਸ ਤੇ ਉਪਜਿਆ ਤਿਸੁ ਮਾਹਿ ਸਮਾਨਾ ॥
jis te upajiaa tis maeh samaanaa |

He is absorbed into the One, from whom he originated.

ਬਸਤੁ ਮਾਹਿ ਲੇ ਬਸਤੁ ਗਡਾਈ ॥
basat maeh le basat gaddaaee |

When something blends with its own,

ਤਾ ਕਉ ਭਿੰਨ ਨ ਕਹਨਾ ਜਾਈ ॥
taa kau bhin na kahanaa jaaee |

it cannot be said to be separate from it.

ਬੂਝੈ ਬੂਝਨਹਾਰੁ ਬਿਬੇਕ ॥
boojhai boojhanahaar bibek |

This is understood only by one of discerning understanding.

ਨਾਰਾਇਨ ਮਿਲੇ ਨਾਨਕ ਏਕ ॥੨॥
naaraaein mile naanak ek |2|

Meeting with the Lord, O Nanak, he becomes one with Him. ||2||

ਠਾਕੁਰ ਕਾ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਆਗਿਆਕਾਰੀ ॥
tthaakur kaa sevak aagiaakaaree |

The servant is obedient to his Lord and Master.

ਠਾਕੁਰ ਕਾ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਸਦਾ ਪੂਜਾਰੀ ॥
tthaakur kaa sevak sadaa poojaaree |

The servant worships his Lord and Master forever.

ਠਾਕੁਰ ਕੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਕੈ ਮਨਿ ਪਰਤੀਤਿ ॥
tthaakur ke sevak kai man parateet |

The servant of the Lord Master has faith in his mind.

ਠਾਕੁਰ ਕੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਕੀ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਰੀਤਿ ॥
tthaakur ke sevak kee niramal reet |

The servant of the Lord Master lives a pure lifestyle.

ਠਾਕੁਰ ਕਉ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਜਾਨੈ ਸੰਗਿ ॥
tthaakur kau sevak jaanai sang |

The servant of the Lord Master knows that the Lord is with him.

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਾ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਨਾਮ ਕੈ ਰੰਗਿ ॥
prabh kaa sevak naam kai rang |

God's servant is attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ਸੇਵਕ ਕਉ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਪਾਲਨਹਾਰਾ ॥
sevak kau prabh paalanahaaraa |

God is the Cherisher of His servant.

ਸੇਵਕ ਕੀ ਰਾਖੈ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰਾ ॥
sevak kee raakhai nirankaaraa |

The Formless Lord preserves His servant.

ਸੋ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਜਿਸੁ ਦਇਆ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਧਾਰੈ ॥
so sevak jis deaa prabh dhaarai |

Unto His servant, God bestows His Mercy.

ਨਾਨਕ ਸੋ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਸਾਸਿ ਸਾਸਿ ਸਮਾਰੈ ॥੩॥
naanak so sevak saas saas samaarai |3|

O Nanak, that servant remembers Him with each and every breath. ||3||

ਅਪੁਨੇ ਜਨ ਕਾ ਪਰਦਾ ਢਾਕੈ ॥
apune jan kaa paradaa dtaakai |

He covers the faults of His servant.

ਅਪਨੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਕੀ ਸਰਪਰ ਰਾਖੈ ॥
apane sevak kee sarapar raakhai |

He surely preserves the honor of His servant.

ਅਪਨੇ ਦਾਸ ਕਉ ਦੇਇ ਵਡਾਈ ॥
apane daas kau dee vaddaaee |

He blesses His slave with greatness.

ਅਪਨੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਕਉ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਾਈ ॥
apane sevak kau naam japaaee |

He inspires His servant to chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ਅਪਨੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਕੀ ਆਪਿ ਪਤਿ ਰਾਖੈ ॥
apane sevak kee aap pat raakhai |

He Himself preserves the honor of His servant.

ਤਾ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਮਿਤਿ ਕੋਇ ਨ ਲਾਖੈ ॥
taa kee gat mit koe na laakhai |

No one knows His state and extent.

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਕਉ ਕੋ ਨ ਪਹੂਚੈ ॥
prabh ke sevak kau ko na pahoochai |

No one is equal to the servant of God.

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਊਚ ਤੇ ਊਚੇ ॥
prabh ke sevak aooch te aooche |

The servant of God is the highest of the high.

ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਅਪਨੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਲਾਇਆ ॥
jo prabh apanee sevaa laaeaa |

One whom God applies to His own service, O Nanak

ਨਾਨਕ ਸੋ ਸੇਵਕੁ ਦਹ ਦਿਸਿ ਪ੍ਰਗਟਾਇਆ ॥੪॥
naanak so sevak dah dis pragattaaeaa |4|

- that servant is famous in the ten directions. ||4||

ਨੀਕੀ ਕੀਰੀ ਮਹਿ ਕਲ ਰਾਖੈ ॥
neekee keeree meh kal raakhai |

He infuses His Power into the tiny ant;

ਭਸਮ ਕਰੈ ਲਸਕਰ ਕੋਟਿ ਲਾਖੈ ॥
bhasam karai lasakar kott laakhai |

it can then reduce the armies of millions to ashes

ਜਿਸ ਕਾ ਸਾਸੁ ਨ ਕਾਢਤ ਆਪਿ ॥
jis kaa saas na kaadtat aap |

Those whose breath of life He Himself does not take away

Index (1 - 1430)
Jap Page: 1 - 8
So Dar Page: 8 - 10
So Purakh Page: 10 - 12
Sohila Page: 12 - 13
Siree Raag Page: 14 - 93
Raag Maajh Page: 94 - 150
Raag Gauree Page: 151 - 346
Raag Aasaa Page: 347 - 488
Raag Gujri Page: 489 - 526
Raag Dayv Gandhaaree Page: 527 - 536
Raag Bihaagraa Page: 537 - 556
Raag Vadhans Page: 557 - 594
Raag Sorath Page: 595 - 659
Raag Dhanaasree Page: 660 - 695
Raag Jaithsree Page: 696 - 710
Raag Todee Page: 711 - 718
Raag Bairaaree Page: 719 - 720
Raag Tilang Page: 721 - 727
Raag Soohee Page: 728 - 794
Raag Bilaaval Page: 795 - 858
Raag Gond Page: 859 - 875
Raag Raamkalee Page: 876 - 974
Raag Nat Naaraayan Page: 975 - 983
Raag Maalee Gauraa Page: 984 - 988
Raag Maaroo Page: 989 - 1106
Raag Tukhaari Page: 1107 - 1117
Raag Kaydaaraa Page: 1118 - 1124
Raag Bhairao Page: 1125 - 1167
Raag Basant Page: 1168 - 1196
Raag Saarang Page: 1197 - 1253
Raag Malaar Page: 1254 - 1293
Raag Kaanraa Page: 1294 - 1318
Raag Kalyaan Page: 1319 - 1326
Raag Prabhaatee Page: 1327 - 1351
Raag Jaijaavantee Page: 1352 - 1359
Salok Sehshkritee Page: 1353 - 1360
Gaathaa Fifth Mehl Page: 1360 - 1361
Phunhay Fifth Mehl Page: 1361 - 1663
Chaubolas Fifth Mehl Page: 1363 - 1364
Salok Kabeer Jee Page: 1364 - 1377
Salok Fareed Jee Page: 1377 - 1385
Svaiyay Sri Mukhbak Mehl 5 Page: 1385 - 1389
Svaiyay First Mehl Page: 1389 - 1390
Svaiyay Second Mehl Page: 1391 - 1392
Svaiyay Third Mehl Page: 1392 - 1396
Svaiyay Fourth Mehl Page: 1396 - 1406
Svaiyay Fifth Mehl Page: 1406 - 1409
Salok Vaaran Thay Vadheek Page: 1410 - 1426
Salok Ninth Mehl Page: 1426 - 1429
Mundhaavanee Fifth Mehl Page: 1429 - 1429
Raagmala Page: 1430 - 1430
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