Serving my True Guru, I have obtained all the fruits.
I meditate continually on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord.
In the Society of the Saints, I am rid of my pain and suffering.
O Nanak, I have become care-free; I have obtained the imperishable wealth of the Lord. ||20||
Salok, Third Mehl:
Raising the embankments of the mind's field, I gaze at the heavenly mansion.
When devotion comes to the mind of the soul-bride, she is visited by the friendly guest.
O clouds, if you are going to rain, then go ahead and rain; why rain after the season has passed?
Nanak is a sacrifice to those Gurmukhs who obtain the Lord in their minds. ||1||
Third Mehl:
That which is pleasing is sweet, and one who is sincere is a friend.
O Nanak, he is known as a Gurmukh, whom the Lord Himself enlightens. ||2||
O God, Your humble servant offers his prayer to You; You are my True Master.
You are my Protector, forever and ever; I meditate on You.
All the beings and creatures are Yours; You are pervading and permeating in them.
One who slanders Your slave is crushed and destroyed.
Falling at Your Feet, Nanak has renounced his cares, and has become care-free. ||21||
Salok, Third Mehl:
Building up its hopes, the world dies, but its hopes do not die or depart.
O Nanak, hopes are fulfilled only by attaching one's consciousness to the True Lord. ||1||
Third Mehl:
Hopes and desires shall die only when He, who created them, takes them away.
O Nanak, nothing is permanent, except the Name of the Lord. ||2||
He Himself created the world, with His perfect workmanship.
He Himself is the true banker, He Himself is the merchant, and He Himself is the store.
He Himself is the ocean, He Himself is the boat, and He Himself is the boatman.
He Himself is the Guru, He Himself is the disciple, and He Himself shows the destination.
O servant Nanak, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and all your sins shall be eradicated. ||22||1||Sudh||
Raag Goojaree, Vaar, Fifth Mehl:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
Deep within yourself, worship the Guru in adoration, and with your tongue, chant the Guru's Name.
Let your eyes behold the True Guru, and let your ears hear the Guru's Name.
Attuned to the True Guru, you shall receive a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.
Says Nanak, this treasure is bestowed on those who are blessed with His Mercy.
In the midst of the world, they are known as the most pious - they are rare indeed. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
O Savior Lord, save us and take us across.
Falling at the feet of the Guru, our works are embellished with perfection.
You have become kind, merciful and compassionate; we do not forget You from our minds.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, we are carried across the terrifying world-ocean.
In an instant, You have destroyed the faithless cynics and slanderous enemies.
That Lord and Master is my Anchor and Support; O Nanak, hold firm in your mind.