Fifth Mehl:
The earth is in the water, and the fire is contained in the wood.
O Nanak, yearn for that Lord, who is the Support of all. ||2||
The works which You have done, O Lord, could only have been performed by You.
That alone happens in the world, which You, O Master, have done.
I am wonderstruck beholding the wonder of Your Almighty Creative Power.
I seek Your Sanctuary - I am Your slave; if it is Your Will, I shall be emancipated.
The treasure is in Your Hands; according to Your Will, You bestow it.
One, upon whom You have bestowed Your Mercy, is blessed with the Lord's Name.
You are unapproachable, unfathomable and infinite; Your limits cannot be found.
One, unto whom You have been compassionate, meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||11||
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
The ladles cruise through the food, but they do not know the taste of it.
I long to see the faces of those, O Nanak, who are imbued with the essence of the Lord's Love. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
Through the Tracker, I discovered the tracks of those who ruined my crops.
You, O Lord, have put up the fence; O Nanak, my fields shall not be plundered again. ||2||
Worship in adoration that True Lord; everything is under His Power.
He Himself is the Master of both ends; in an instant, He adjusts our affairs.
Renounce all your efforts, and hold fast to His Support.
Run to His Sanctuary, and you shall obtain the comfort of all comforts.
The karma of good deeds, the righteousness of Dharma and the essence of spiritual wisdom are obtained in the Society of the Saints.
Chanting the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, no obstacle shall block your way.
The Lord abides in the mind of one who is blessed by His Kindness.
All treasures are obtained, when the Lord and Master is pleased. ||12||
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
I have found the object of my search - my Beloved took pity on me.
There is One Creator; O Nanak, I do not see any other. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
Take aim with the arrow of Truth, and shoot down sin.
Cherish the Words of the Guru's Mantra, O Nanak, and you shall not suffer in pain. ||2||
Waaho! Waaho! The Creator Lord Himself has brought about peace and tranquility.
He is Kind to all beings and creatures; meditate forever on Him.
The all-powerful Lord has shown Mercy, and my cries of suffering are ended.
My fevers, pains and diseases are gone, by the Grace of the Perfect Guru.
The Lord has established me, and protected me; He is the Cherisher of the poor.
He Himself has delivered me, breaking all my bonds.
My thirst is quenched, my hopes are fulfilled, and my mind is contented and satisfied.
The greatest of the great, the Infinite Lord and Master - He is not affected by virtue and vice. ||13||
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
They alone meditate on the Lord God, Har, Har, unto whom the Lord is Merciful.
O Nanak, they enshrine love for the Lord, meeting the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
Contemplate the Lord, O very fortunate ones; He is pervading in the water, the land and the sky.
O Nanak, worshipping the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal encounters no misfortune. ||2||
The speech of the devotees is approved; it is accepted in the Court of the Lord.
Your devotees take to Your Support; they are imbued with the True Name.
One unto whom You are Merciful, has his sufferings depart.