Those upon whom the Lord showers His Mercy, fall at the Feet of the True Guru.
Here and hereafter, their faces are radiant; they go to the Lord's Court in robes of honor. ||14||
Salok, Second Mehl:
Chop off that head which does not bow to the Lord.
O Nanak, that human body, in which there is no pain of separation from the Lord-take that body and burn it. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
Forgetting the Primal Lord, O Nanak, people are born and die, over and over again.
Mistaking it for musk, they have fallen into the stinking pit of filth. ||2||
Meditate on that Name of the Lord, O my mind, whose Command rules over all.
Chant that Name of the Lord, O my mind, which will save you at the very last moment.
Chant that Name of the Lord, O my mind, which shall drive out all hunger and desire from your mind.
Very fortunate and blessed is that Gurmukh who chants the Naam; it shall bring all slanderers and wicked enemies to fall at his feet.
O Nanak, worship and adore the Naam, the Greatest Name of all, before which all come and bow. ||15||
Salok, Third Mehl:
She may wear good clothes, but the bride is ugly and rude; her mind is false and impure.
She does not walk in harmony with the Will of her Husband Lord. Instead, she foolishly gives Him orders.
But she who walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, shall be spared all pain and suffering.
That destiny which was pre-ordained by the Creator cannot be erased.
She must dedicate her mind and body to her Husband Lord, and enshrine love for the Word of the Shabad.
Without His Name, no one has found Him; see this and reflect upon it in your heart.
O Nanak, she is beautiful and graceful; the Creator Lord ravishes and enjoys her. ||1||
Third Mehl:
Attachment to Maya is an ocean of darkness; neither this shore nor the one beyond can be seen.
The ignorant, self-willed manmukhs suffer in terrible pain; they forget the Lord's Name and drown.
They arise in the morning and perform all sorts of rituals, but they are caught in the love of duality.
Those who serve the True Guru cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs keep the True Name enshrined in their hearts; they are absorbed into the True One. ||2||
The Lord pervades and permeates the water, the land and the sky; there is no other at all.
The Lord Himself sits upon His Throne and administers justice. He beats and drives out the false-hearted.
The Lord bestows glorious greatness upon those who are truthful. He administers righteous justice.
So praise the Lord, everybody; He protects the poor and the lost souls.
He honors the righteous and punishes the sinners. ||16||
Salok, Third Mehl:
The self-willed manmukh, the foolish bride, is a filthy, rude and evil wife.
Forsaking her Husband Lord and leaving her own home, she gives her love to another.
Her desires are never satisfied, and she burns and cries out in pain.
O Nanak, without the Name, she is ugly and ungraceful. She is abandoned and left behind by her Husband Lord. ||1||