Whatever I ask for, I receive; I serve at the Lord's feet, the source of nectar.
I am released from the bondage of birth and death, and so I cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||
Searching and seeking, I have come to understand the essence of reality; the slave of the Lord of the Universe is dedicated to Him.
If you desire eternal bliss, O Nanak, ever remember the Lord in meditation. ||2||5||10||
Todee, Fifth Mehl:
The slanderer, by Guru's Grace, has been turned away.
The Supreme Lord God has become merciful; with Shiva's arrow, He shot his head off. ||1||Pause||
Death, and the noose of death, cannot see me; I have adopted the Path of Truth.
I have earned the wealth, the jewel of the Lord's Name; eating and spending, it is never used up. ||1||
In an instant, the slanderer was reduced to ashes; he received the rewards of his own actions.
Servant Nanak speaks the truth of the scriptures; the whole world is witness to it. ||2||6||11||
Todee, Fifth Mehl:
O miser, your body and mind are full of sin.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, vibrate, meditate on the Lord and Master; He alone can cover your sins. ||1||Pause||
When many holes appear in your boat, you cannot plug them with your hands.
Worship and adore the One, to whom your boat belongs; He saves the counterfeit along with the genuine. ||1||
People want to lift up the mountain with mere words, but it just stays there.
Nanak has no strength or power at all; O God, please protect me - I seek Your Sanctuary. ||2||7||12||
Todee, Fifth Mehl:
Meditate on the lotus feet of the Lord within your mind.
The Name of the Lord is the medicine; it is like an axe, which destroys the diseases caused by anger and egotism. ||1||Pause||
The Lord is the One who removes the three fevers; He is the Destroyer of pain, the warehouse of peace.
No obstacles block the path of one who prays before God. ||1||
By the Grace of the Saints, the Lord has become my physician; God alone is the Doer, the Cause of causes.
He is the Giver of perfect peace to the innocent-minded people; O Nanak, the Lord, Har, Har, is my support. ||2||8||13||
Todee, Fifth Mehl:
Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, forever and ever.
Showering His Kind Mercy, the Supreme Lord God Himself has blessed the town. ||1||Pause||
The One who owns me, has again taken care of me; my sorrow and suffering is past.
He gave me His hand, and saved me, His humble servant; the Lord is my mother and father. ||1||
All beings and creatures have become kind to me; my Lord and Master blessed me with His Kind Mercy.
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord, the Destroyer of pain; His glory is so great! ||2||9||14||
Todee, Fifth Mehl:
O Lord and Master, I seek the Sanctuary of Your Court.
Destroyer of millions of sins, O Great Giver, other than You, who else can save me? ||1||Pause||
Searching, searching in so many ways, I have contemplated all the objects of life.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the supreme state is attained. But those who are engrossed in the bondage of Maya, lose the game of life. ||1||