But it is not fulfilled at all, and in the end, it dies, exhausted. ||1||Pause||
It does not produce tranquility, peace and poise; this is the way it works.
He does not know what belongs to him, and to others. He burns in sexual desire and anger. ||1||
The world is enveloped by an ocean of pain; O Lord, please save Your slave!
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of Your Lotus Feet; Nanak is forever and ever a sacrifice. ||2||84||107||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
O sinner, who taught you to sin?
You do not contemplate your Lord and Master, even for an instant; it was He who gave you your body and soul. ||1||Pause||
Eating, drinking and sleeping, you are happy, but contemplating the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you are miserable.
In the womb of your mother, you cried and whined like a wretch. ||1||
And now, bound by great pride and corruption, you shall wander in endless incarnations.
You have forgotten the Lord of the Universe; what misery will be your lot now? O Nanak, peace is found by realizing the sublime state of the Lord. ||2||85||108||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
O mother, I have grasped the Protection, the Sanctuary of the Lord's Feet.
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, my mind is fascinated, and evil-mindedness is taken away. ||1||Pause||
He is Unfathomable, Incomprehensible, Exalted and High, Eternal and Imperishable; His worth cannot be appraised.
Gazing upon Him, gazing upon Him in the water and on the land, my mind has blossomed forth in ecstasy. He is totally pervading and permeating all. ||1||
Merciful to the meek, my Beloved, Enticer of my mind; meeting with the Holy, He is known.
Meditating, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Nanak lives; the Messenger of Death cannot catch or torment him. ||2||86||109||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
O mother, my mind is intoxicated.
Gazing upon the Merciful Lord, I am filled with bliss and peace; imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord, I am intoxicated. ||1||Pause||
I have become spotless and pure, singing the Sacred Praises of the Lord; I shall never again be dirtied.
My awareness is focused on the Lotus Feet of God; I have met the Infinite, Supreme Being. ||1||
Taking me by the hand, He has given me everything; He has lit up my lamp.
O Nanak, savoring the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I have become detached; my generations have been carried across as well. ||2||87||110||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
O mother, by meditating in remembrance on some other, the mortal dies.
Forsaking the Lord of the Universe, the Giver of souls, the mortal is engrossed and entangled in Maya. ||1||Pause||
Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he walks on some other path, and falls into the most horrible hell.
He suffers uncounted punishments, and wanders from womb to womb in reincarnation. ||1||
They alone are wealthy, and they alone are honorable, who are absorbed in the Sanctuary of the Lord.
By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, they conquer the world; they do not come and go in reincarnation ever again. ||2||88||111||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
The Lord has cut down the crooked tree of my deceit.
The forest of doubt is burnt away in an instant, by the fire of the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||
Sexual desire, anger and slander are gone; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have beaten them and driven them out.