I have found God - I am not searching for any other. ||7||
The Guru has shown me the unseen Mansion of the True Lord.
His Mansion is eternal and unchanging; it is not a mere reflection of Maya.
Through truth and contentment, doubt is dispelled. ||8||
That person, within whose mind the True Lord dwells
in his company, one becomes Gurmukh.
O Nanak, the True Name washes off the pollution. ||9||15||
Gauree, First Mehl:
One whose consciousness is permeated with the Lord's Name
- receive the blessing of his darshan in the early light of dawn. ||1||
If you do not meditate on the Lord, it is your own misfortune.
In each and every age, the Great Giver is my Lord God. ||1||Pause||
Following the Guru's Teachings, the perfect humble beings meditate on the Lord.
Within their hearts, the unstruck melody vibrates. ||2||
Those who worship the Lord and love the Lord
- showering His Mercy, God protects them. ||3||
Those whose hearts are filled with the Lord, Har, Har
- gazing upon the blessed vision of their darshan, peace is obtained. ||4||
Among all beings, the One Lord is pervading.
The eogtistical, self-willed manmukhs wander in reincarnation. ||5||
They alone understand, who have found the True Guru.
Subduing their ego, they receive the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||6||
How can anyone know of the Union between the being below and the Supreme Being above?
The Gurmukhs obtain this Union; their minds are reconciliated. ||7||
I am a worthless sinner, without merit. What merit do I have?
When God showers His Mercy, servant Nanak is emancipated. ||8||16||
Sixteen Ashtpadheeyaa Of Gwaarayree Gauree||
Gauree Bairaagan, First Mehl:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
As the dairy farmer watches over and protects his cows, so does the Lord cherish and protect us, night and day. He blesses the soul with peace. ||1||
Please protect me here and hereafter, O Lord, Merciful to the meek.
I seek Your Sanctuary; please bless me with Your Glance of Grace. ||1||Pause||
Wherever I look, there You are. Save me, O Savior Lord!
You are the Giver, and You are the Enjoyer;
You are the Support of the breath of life. ||2||
According to the karma of past actions, people descend to the depths or rise to the heights, unless they contemplate spiritual wisdom.
Without the Praises of the Lord of the Universe, the darkness is not dispelled. ||3||
I have seen the world being destroyed by greed and egotism.
Only by serving the Guru is God obtained, and the true gate of liberation found. ||4||
The Mansion of the Infinite Lord's Presence is within the home of one's own being. He is beyond any boundaries.
Without the Word of the Shabad, nothing shall endure. Through understanding, peace is obtained. ||5||
What have you brought, and what will you take away, when you are caught by the noose of Death?
Like the bucket tied to the rope in the well, you are pulled up to the Akaashic Ethers, and then lowered down to the nether regions of the underworld. ||6||
Follow the Guru's Teachings, and do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord; you shall automatically obtain honor.
Deep within the self is the treasure of the Shabad; it is obtained only by eradicating selfishness and conceit. ||7||
When God bestows His Glance of Grace, people settle in the Lap of the Virtuous Lord.
O Nanak, this Union cannot be broken; the true profit is obtained. ||8||1||17||