He is not affected by charms and spells, nor is he harmed by the evil eye. ||1||Pause||
Sexual desire, anger, the intoxication of egotism and emotional attachment are dispelled, by loving devotion.
One who enters the Lord's Sanctuary, O Nanak, remains merged in ecstasy in the subtle essence of the Lord's Love. ||2||4||68||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
The living creatures and their ways are in God's power. Whatever He says, they do.
When the Sovereign Lord of the Universe is pleased, there is nothing at all to fear. ||1||
Pain shall never afflict you, if you remember the Supreme Lord God.
The Messenger of Death does not even approach the beloved Sikhs of the Guru. ||1||Pause||
The All-powerful Lord is the Cause of causes; there is no other than Him.
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of God; the True Lord has given strength to the mind. ||2||5||69||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
Remembering, remembering my God in meditation, the house of pain is removed.
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have found peace and tranquility; I shall not wander away from there again. ||1||
I am devoted to my Guru; I am a sacrifice to His Feet.
I am blessed with ecstasy, peace and happiness, gazing upon the Guru, and singing the Lord's Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||
This is my life's purpose, to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and listen to the vibrations of the sound current of the Naad.
O Nanak, God is totally pleased with me; I have obtained the fruits of my desires. ||2||6||70||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
This is the prayer of Your slave: please enlighten my heart.
By Your Mercy, O Supreme Lord God, please erase my sins. ||1||
I take the Support of Your Lotus Feet, O God, Primal Lord, treasure of virtue.
I shall meditate in remembrance on the Praises of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, as long as there is breath in my body. ||1||Pause||
You are my mother, father and relative; You are abiding within all.
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God; His Praise is immaculate and pure. ||2||7||71||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
All perfect spiritual powers are obtained, when one sings the Lord's Praises; everyone wishes him well.
Everyone calls him holy and spiritual; hearing of him, the Lord's slaves come to meet him. ||1||
The Perfect Guru blesses him with peace, poise, salvation and happiness.
All living beings become compassionate to him; he remembers the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||
He is permeating and pervading everywhere; God is the ocean of virtue.
O Nanak, the devotees are in bliss, gazing upon God's abiding stability. ||2||8||72||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
God, the Great Giver, has become merciful; He has listened to my prayer.
He has saved His servant, and put ashes into the mouth of the slanderer. ||1||
No one can threaten you now, O my humble friend, for you are the slave of the Guru.
The Supreme Lord God reached out with His Hand and saved you. ||1||Pause||
The One Lord is the Giver of all beings; there is no other at all.
Nanak prays, You are my only strength, God. ||2||9||73||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
The Lord of the Universe has saved my friends and companions.
The slanderers have died, so do not worry. ||1||Pause||
God has fulfilled all hopes and desires; I have met the Divine Guru.